Nasal Septum Deviation (Nasal Congestion – Nasal Concha)
Can Intranasal Curvatures Be Made Together With Rhinoplasty?
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Septum is a structure dividing the nose into two equal parts inside. It is composed of cartilage in front and a fine bone behind, and its upper surface is covered with a skin-like cover called as mucosa. And in both sides of the nasal cavity, there are nasal turbinates that are named concha, warm and moisten the air, provide nasal secretions, and are required for continuation of the nasal physiology.
In normal nose, the septum is in the midline, and the conchae are in normal size. In the presence of septum deviation, air passage narrows, and growth occurs in conchae. .
Nasal septum deviation is naming given to the septum which is curved. All or one part of the septum is not in the midline and it narrows the nasal air passage in the side where it is curved. Generally it depends on the bowls came to the nose. The more deviation is, the more nasal congestion occurs. Because it can be breathed from the non-stuffy side, the patients do not realize it in general. However, in time oedema and turbinate growth (concha hypertrophies) occur in normal side as reaction, and nasal congestion becomes apparent.
Septum deviation should definitely be fixed in the course of rhinoplasty. External appearance of the cases of which interior of the nose is not smooth, may not also be beautiful every time.
Treatment of Nasal Septum Deviation
The treatment to be applied is fixing this deviation with a surgery. In this surgical technique named septoplasty, the curved septum areas are fixed by protecting the cartilage support without giving damage to the mucosa. The most important point in this surgery is protecting the cartilage support that will protect the skeleton of the nose.
As septoplasty can be performed alone, it may be performed in the course of the nose job with septorhinoplasty, and it also provides more opportunity of observation to the surgeon. If you will have rhinoplasty, you should know that this problem will also be fixed in the same time without having septum deviation surgery (septoplasty) beforehand.
In septoplasty, all of the operations are made from inside of the nose. The anesthesia can be local or general. Nasal buffers, which are placed in the nose after surgery, are held for 1-2 days in general. The buffers used in our day are in soft characteristics that don’t injure the nose, and suck the accumulated blood. Its application and removal does not cause pain.
What Is Concha Hypertrophy?
Conchae on the sides in both parts inside the nose (lower, middle, upper conchae) have significant roles in the nasal physiology. However, in some cases they can grow as reactional (hypertrophy). Concha hypertrophy can be especially in the opposite part of the part where septum is curved. Thus, they cause the nasal congestion. Concha hypertrophies seen in the course of rhinoplasty can be fixed sometimes with surgery, sometimes with cauterization.