Arm Lift Surgery (Brachioplasty)
What Are The Arm Lift Surgery And Alternative Treatments?

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By aging, weight gain and loss and suchlike reasons, deterioration of the skin thickness and elasticity is inevitable. Also with the increasing age degradation in the shape and structure of the elastic and collagen fibers in the body and reduction in the layer of subcutaneous fat occur. And consequently, looseness and sagging occur in the body tissues. If this sagging is formed in the arm area, it can be corrected by the arm lift surgery.
The lift surgeries performed for corrections of the body deformities based on sagging are the operations in quite much demand. The most important underlying reasons are that the patients don’t want to stay in a bad situation for a lifetime, and the successful results obtained with plastic surgery. In the surgeries of body contour correction, all regions should be evaluated as a whole and it should be taken care of the proportions between the regions. In the contrary case, the result obtained will not be satisfactory.
Click Here For Thermi Tight Non-Surgical Arm Lift
Evaluation Before Arm Lift Surgery
Depending on aging, discontinuous weight loss and the gravity; sagging and striae are formed in the back and inner part of the arm. Amount of the fatty tissue accumulated with sagging differs personally. So, each patient should be evaluated separately. Arm lift surgery (Brachioplasty) can be performed singly, or with other lifting surgeries such as abdominoplasty, breast reduction or breast lifting, thigh lift and liposuction. When the arm lift surgery is combined especially with liposuction, much better results can be gotten. By this means, both the subcutaneous fatty tissue gets much thinner, and more skin can be removed.
Where Do The Scars Form After Arm Lift Surgery?
In the preoperative evaluation, the amount of fatty tissue in back and inner part of the arm and the level of sagging are paid attention. Moreover, detailed information about the scar and its place to be formed after surgery is given to the patient. The scar is left in the inner part of arm and the area close to the armpit in arm lift surgeries. When looking from the outside, these regions are the least appearing places. Sometimes in cases that there is not much sagging, the scars can be limited with only the armpit area.
In cases that the skin quality is good and there is not sagging, in other words the cases in which fat accumulation is in excess, liposuction suffices. However, if there is skin sagginess with the excess fatty tissue, lift surgery is definitely required.
After Arm Lift Surgery
Arm lift surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or sedation anesthesia. The sagging skin and excess fatty tissue are excised from inner and back part of the arm. If necessary, liposuction is also performed in other regions of the arm in the same surgery. The area of incision is sutured as two layers, and after the surgery the arm is bandaged with a soft dressing. The patients return their daily activities after 4-5 days, and the sutures heal after about 10 days. It is required to wear corset during 1 month after arm lift surgery. Thus, both swelling will occur less, and it will be provided the skin to cleave to the underlying tissues and reduce. The surgical scar starts to fade from 1 month; the clarity completely disappears after 1 year.
Non-Surgical Arm Lift Treatment
If the sagging in arm is not in the extreme, the patient does not think of having surgery, his/her age is young, and has concerns about the scar; arm lift can be performed by making thermi tight application in single session, and the arm sagginess is corrected non-surgically. ThermiRF application is a radiofrequency treatment that is injected, and given under the skin.
In Thermi Tight application, sagging area of the arm is anesthetized with local anesthesia. Then, a very fine end gives radiofrequency energy under the skin, and increases heat of the region. By measuring the temperature of inside and outside either by the thermometers on the end or by the thermal camera, it is provided both a controlled and also full effective treatment. Non-surgical arm lift can be performed in one session. The results of non-surgical arm lift start to be seen in 1 week and become the best after 3 months. The treatment is a permanent treatment, but your aging will continue. You can get the detailed information about ThermiTight non-surgical arm lift from 212 2967442.