Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast Reduction Surgery Methods Which Technique Is Suitable For You?

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Although nevertheless the breast reduction surgeries are the plastic surgeries, they can also be performed with unaesthetic purposes, to remove the patients’ problems and relieve them. Women with large and sagging breasts suffer from medical problems varied from back, neck, low back pains, bra strap marks, eczema intertrigo, malodor, discharge, sweating, skin irritation; to the breathing problems because of the excessive weight of the breast. In the end, the patients become hunchbacked a little, and finally postural disorder occurs.
Bra straps may cause deep marks and scars on the shoulders. Very large breasts may cause the woman or the young girl to feel herself extremely shy and embarrassed, and not be able to act relievedly in the society. It is possible to get rid of this type of problems caused by large and sagging breasts by the breast reduction surgeries.
In the breast reduction surgery; the fat, breast tissue and skin are taken off; the breast tissue is shaped, and the breasts become smaller, lighter and tighter. In the same procedure, diameter of the dark colored skin around the nipple, in other words the brown circle of breast called ‘areola’ can also be reduced. The purpose is to bring breasts which are smaller, have more beautiful shape and proportional to the body to the woman. The breast reduction surgery is not just a reduction procedure; it providesbreast lifting at the same time.
Who Are The Most Appropriate Candidates For Breast Reduction Surgery?
The breast reduction surgery is performed with the purpose of a physical relief more than a cosmetic and aesthetic improvement. Most of the candidates applied for breast reduction surgery have problems with their very large, sagging breasts; their activities are restricted, both aesthetic and physical disease has occurred.
The breast reduction surgery is not performed in most of the patients without the breast completes development; however if largeness of the breasts formed serious physical disease, it can be performed in younger ages. Consequently, it is necessary to be the stated problems to perform earlier than the age of 17-18. The most appropriate candidates for breast reduction surgery are the persons who reached maturity to fully understand the procedure, have realist expectancies, and whose breasts are large and sagging.
Evaluation Before Breast Reduction Surgery
In the first evaluation, it is very important that the patient to explain her expectancies clearly. Breast examination and measurement will be performed, photographs will be taken to compare before and after the surgery. Your plastic surgeon will discuss the variances may affect the result such as your age, shape and largeness of your breasts, state of your skin, diabetes, and high blood pressure with you. You should also discuss the new place of the nipple and areola; because this structure will be taken above, and it should be in the same level with line behind the breast.
“Patients who will have breast reduction surgery should stop smoking at least 15 days before the surgery until the postoperative healing finishes.”
Breast Reduction Surgery Technique
Because the breast reduction surgery is an operation in which the skin is also removed, it leaves some marks. In our day, depending on the structure and sizes of the breast, “vertical mammoplasty”, in other words the operations performed by just an incision extending downward from brown part of the breast are preferred. In this case, just a straight mark will be left. In some cases, this mark may be in the shape of “small t”, or “j”. However these techniques cannot be applied in very large breasts.
The breast reduction techniques are very different, each surgeon chooses the surgical technique he/she is accustomed, and most of them contain ‘incision’(cut line) in the shape of ‘reverse T’ in the patients with very large, sagging breasts. These incisions surround the brown part of the breast, extend downwards, and follow the natural line behind the breast. The excess breast tissue, fatty tissue and skin are removed; the nipple and areola are moved above, to its new place over a tongue-shaped tissue. Then, while the breast tissue in both sides is combined and formed around the areola and in the middle line, the new lines of the breast are shaped.
The surgery is performed with general anesthesia in an operative room in the hospital conditions. The operation lasts about 3-4 hours. Whichever method is applied, a mark is absolutely left around the brown part of breast. But these marks are clear, red at the beginning; they can become slight in time. The degree of the post-surgical scars depends on the breast size, the surgical method used and the feature of leaving mark of the skin, and whether she is a light or dark skinned patient.
After Breast Reduction Surgery
After the breast reduction surgery, a fine dressing or surgical bra will be worn. A drain can be placed in both breast sides to get out the accumulating blood and liquids within 1-2 days. These drains should be removed in 3 days at the latest. I don’t use drain personally. Instead I make the bleeding control more carefully. The patients feel freer and relax themselves without drain. The patients can return their normal lives within 4-5 days, and the sutures are set in 12 days. There is no need to remove the sutures.
After the breast reduction surgery, swelling will occur for about a week, and then swelling will disappear. In the early period, the breasts will be more lifted and above, in the 1-3-month period they replace so as to fill the lower part of breast.
It should be avoided from lifting or pushing heavy during 3-4 weeks. Your plastic surgeon will make detailed informing summarized your normal activities. Many women can return their social activities, and work if it is not very tiring in 2 weeks.
Because of the tissue swelling after surgery; an amount of sensation loss, numbness in the nipple and breast skin. This situation generally disappears in 6 months. This loss of sensation may last 1 year or longer in some patients; and rarely may be permanent. As the result of incisions made in the course of breast reduction surgery, marks will inevitably be formed on the suture lines. Along with these marks will be clearer and in reddish color in the first months, they will soften in months, their colors will whiten, become in the level of skin and less apparent.
The breast reduction surgery is one of the operations concluded with the quickest change in physical appearance among all plastic surgical operations. You will get rid of the physical impairment created by large breasts; your body will become more proportional and your dresses will suit better. Even those who know you may think that you noticeably lost weight.
What does occur after breast reduction surgery?
After breast reduction surgery generally passes easily. The pain is minimal and responds to the painkillers. Restrictions may be in arm movements. Bandage similar to bra is applied on the breasts or some surgeons dress up bra immediately after the surgery. I don’t use drain personally, but if used it is removed in 24-72 hours in general. A separate dressing is put on the nipple. The wound is controlled by opening the dressing after 2 days. The bandages are removed after 7 days. The sutures heal after 10-12 days; there is no need for suture removal. It is stayed in hospital for 1 day.
Swelling may occur in the early period, sensation loss in the nipple and violescent color change on the skin may be seen, these disappear spontaneously in a short time.
Can the patient breastfeed her baby after breast reduction surgery?
Some women who had breast reduction surgery can breastfeed their babies. However, this may be a situation of which predetermination is difficult in general. Moreover, the doctor can also explain effect of the surgical technique to be chosen on breastfeeding to patient before surgery. However, generally a blockage will occur in the milk channels. Consequently, even if your milk is produced, you may not breastfeed in full efficiency.
What are the risks of breast reduction surgery?
The risks of early period after breast reduction surgery (bleeding, infection, hematoma, pain, fat necrosis etc.) are the complications of which formation is very rare in the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon in good hospital conditions. These are the side effects may be in all surgeries in general. The most important complication of this surgery is the problem of liveliness may occur in the brown part of the breast. In this case, nigrescence becomes in the breast brown part, and this is a situation unwanted at all, and occurs rarely. The risks of late period can be counted as asymmetry, bad wound scars, and breastfeeding problems. These problems can be reduced by good follow-up of the patient with doctor after the surgery or correction is allowed.
According to what do breast reduction prices vary?
Breast reduction prices change according to the size of breasts, amount of sagging, age and weight of the patient, and whether she has and additional health problem. For the price information, you should get examined.