Forehead Lift Surgery
Forehead Aesthetics Wrinkle Correction Surgeries

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Forehead lift surgery is a situation that may be required in the patients who need especially facelift and eyelid aesthetics. In fact, the forehead lines of our mimic lines create vertical and horizontal lines by deepening in time. And this brings a tired and old look to the person. Brow ptosis, forehead wrinkles and beetle brows are among causes of the forehead lift surgery.
High brow, not beetle brow and a stretched forehead are targets planned with this surgery. If you have one or a few of the following features, you can consider making your forehead lifted.
If your brows are low and if it causes you to seem tired and sad by being below than it should be,
If there are unsmoothing deep horizontal lines; if one or two deep vertical lines extending towards your nose occurred between your two brows,
What Can Be Done Together With The Forehead Lift Surgery
Forehead lift surgery provides correction of these problems. Brows can be lifted in desired extent. Generally this intervention can be made together with the facelift surgery in which excess skin is removed, and middle and lower part of the face is tightened. If your upper eyelid drooped and bags occurred under your eyes, your surgeon may suggest also eye contour surgery besides the forehead lift surgery.
Before the operation, your doctor examines your forehead and upper eyelid area by caring movement of each muscle while you make mimics in the examination. Then, in consideration of whether your brows are drooping, rates in your face, amount of the excess skin in your upper eyelid, and where your hair starts from your forehead, he decides the most appropriate surgical technique for you. The surgery is generally performed under general anesthesia. Forehead lift surgery can be performed together with facelift and eyelid aesthetics.
Forehead Lift Surgery Process
In the forehead lift surgery, an incision is made inside the scalp. Then, the skin covering your forehead separates from the underlying tissues and intervention is performed in the muscles in this area. By removing the excess skin, the incision is closed in anatomic plane. There will be swelling around forehead and eye during 5 days after the operation. 1-2 dressing will be sufficient. The sutures will be removed in about 10 days. Because the sutures are inside the hair, there will not be surgery scar. You can return your daily life and work within 7-10 days.
Non-Surgical Applications Alternative To Forehead Lift Surgery
If the patient will not prefer surgery, there are some alternative application may be performed instead of forehead lift surgery. Some of these are botox, ulthera and fractional laser applications. With botox, you can temporarily get rid of your forehead wrinkles for 6 months.
Ulthera Ulthera is a non-surgical, therapeutic, single-session application; it will remove your wrinkles to a large extent through its 1, 5 mm tip. Also with the carbon dioxide fractional laser non-surgically getting rid of the forehead wrinkles can be provided in about 3 sessions.
Forehead Lift Surgery Prices
Forehead lift prices change according to characteristics, type of the surgery to be performed, whether an additional application will be made with it. If eyelid surgery or brow lift will be performed with, of course the pricing will be different. For the forehead lift surgery price information, you should get examined by your doctor.