FUE Hair Transplantation
How Is FUE Hair Transplantation Performed How Many Hair Follicle Do You Need?

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The application of hair transplantation is transplanting of the non-hormone-sensitive hair follicles in the back side of scalp into the hairless area by taking them with special methods. In our day, the hair transplant application is performed by the fue micromotor method. As a result of the procedure of hair transplantation performed by this application, the transplanted hair follicles don’t shed again because they are independent from hormones. Before hair transplant operation starts, the regions hair transplantation will be performed in, and hair follicles will be taken out from are marked, anesthetized, and then the grafts are taken out. The grafts gotten are transplanted into the hairless area. While this procedure is performed, being suitable to the existing natural hair lines of the region where hair will be transplanted, choosing their directions well, and the hair follicles to be chosen from the single grafts are very important in terms of not forming an artificial appearance. The patient can return after fue hair transplantation is completed, and continue the daily life. The transplanted hair which started to grow within 3 months after hair transplant procedure begins to grow again with the growing speed in their original places. The full result is obtained 1 year after the hair transplant procedure. The ideal result of hair transplantation is the natural results that the hair transplant procedure is not clear.
Hair Transplantation With Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Technique
It is the hair transplantation method in which the grafts are removed by a special tool one-by-one without leaving a scar, making any incision in the scalp. In our day this technique is performed by micromotors, and this shortens the time. Apart from hair; nape, breast, and back hairs can also be used in this method. The transferred hairs grow in the feature of region they transferred in.
Firstly, personal hairline design is made with this method. The most important stage of this method is the special channels opened in the transplanting area, because these channels should be very small and at the original angle.
Hair in the area donor will be taken out from is shortened, local anesthesia is applied into the region, and the grafts are removed by a special surgical tool with 1 mm diameter. These grafts are placed into the channels opened in hairless or sparsely haired areas, as also in the FUT method. For the area hair transplanted in to be dense, it is necessary to open channels densely, and perform a dense transplantation. With this method which requires team and lasting relatively longer, 3000-4000 grafts can be obtained.
FUE technique has taken the place of FUT technique in large extent.
Advantages of FUE technique
are not being sutured, not having risk of the surgical procedure, not leaving scar on the nape, having scab in areas grafts are removed from for a few days and healing rapidly, and not creating loss of sensation in area hair is taken out from after the procedure.
If the person does not have sufficient donor area in the scalp, the hair follicles can be taken out from other appropriate regions of the body. There is also opportunity to form brow, beard and moustache.
And the disadvantages of FUE technique
FUE method lasts longer than the FUT method. Due to the technique is harder and more time consuming, the cost is also more.