Laser Acne Scar Treatment
You Can Get Rid Of Your Acne Scars By ECO2 Carbon Dioxide Laser
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In our clinic, Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser, Erbium Yag Laser, Erbium Fractional Laser, and Microneedling Radiofrequency Treatment are used in the Acne Scar Treatment.
It is not possible to completely remove the acne scars. However, the acne scars can be minimized nonsurgically by the fractional laser. Scars will be reduced in a large extent by fractional laser within 3 sessions. Some of the scars will be removed, and some’s diameters will be decreased, depths will be reduced, the pores will be tightened, and acne scars will be removed. The acne scar treatment is performed in 1 month of interval in average.
Difference Of ECO2 Carbon Dioxide Laser From The Other Fractional Lasers
Wavelength of the laser beam is among the most important factors determining the efficiency of laser. The wavelength shows what depth the laser penetrates in, and consequently how much it is effective.
Because the Er. Glass and Er: YAG systems have low wavelengths, their efficiencies are more superficial. CO2 laser creates unique results by penetrating in the deepest parts of the dermis that is the middle layer of the skin with its 10.600 nm wavelength, and in our day it is the gold standard method in skin tightening, resurfacing, rejuvenation, and all types of scar treatments.
Although the first used CO2 lasers were quite effective, some side effects were seen due to reasons such as being long of their pulse duration, being deep of the peeling and thermal effect they create, and the prolonged redness. Because the peeling and thermal effect of Er:Glass lasers is quite superficial, their side effects are fewer, but skin rejuvenating effects are less than the carbon dioxide laser.
Difference Of ECO2 Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser From The Other Carbon Dioxide Fractional Lasers
Its fractional property is not originated from the lens as in the other fractional lasers and all laser point pulses are not made at once, and each laser pulse point is made separately within microseconds. And this reduces the damage that laser may give to the skin almost to zero.
Smart pulse feature: When this option is used, in fact each laser pulse consits of two separate pulses: The heat damage in surrounding tissue is reduced by an effective and strong pulse in first 20-30 microseconds, and a pulse in lower power in the remaining time (150 or over microseconds).
Scanning feature is another factor reducing heat damage in the surrounding tissue. Due to this feature, each pulse can be performed separately and in points away from each other, thus the heat damage in the skin that can be occurred because of close pulses is prevented.
Due to the scanning feature, the number, form and frequency of the laser pulse points can be adjusted in accordance with need of the skin to be applied, and the laser point pulses are not in fixed number, frequency and form. And this increases the maneuverability, consequently the success rate in the treatment.
In CO2 fractional laser, the diameter of pulse points is 120 micron, thin approximately as the size of half a hair. For this reason, these laser pulses reach the skin very thinly. While after CO2 laser application shortening in 30% in the subcutaneous collagen lymphs and tightening in the skin suddenly occur; in the Er:YAG and Er:Glass systems, this rate is low so as not to be compared.
The skin is treated in 10-250 micron depths according to the patient’s need (this depth is between 2-50 microns in Er:YAG lasers, it is more superficial in the Er:Glass lasers). Due to these differences, CO2 laser system is still the gold standard in the skin resurfacing applications.
What Are The Differences Occurred In The Skin As Result Of Fractional CO2 Laser?
After CO2 laser application, shortening in 30% in the subcutaneous collagen lymph occurs suddenly. And in the following 1-3 month period, new collagen formation under the skin and rearrangement in the subcutaneous connective tissue occur. As a result of all these, skin tightening called skin rejuvenation, high level of reduction in roughness, spots and scars on the skin occur. By tightening the pores on skin, the skin structure turns back in state it was 10-15 years before.
Is The Fractional CO2 Laser Application Performed For Acne Scar Painful?
During the application a slight beating feel occurs as in the laser hair removal. This feeling can be reduced much more by using local anesthetic creams or cold air.
How Many Times Is The Fractional CO2 Laser Application Performed For Acne Scar Made?
The session number in fractional CO2 laser system varies depending on the problem intensity, and power and depth settings of the application. Healing in average 40% is observed after each application. While one-two sessions are sufficient in mild-moderate scars, the treatment of very deep acne scars is arranged as a few sessions (3-5). The frequency of sessions change according to the depth of application: the treatment is repeated once in 1-1.5 months in superficial applications, and once in 2 months in deep applications.
What Are The Characteristics Of Healing Process?
There is no need for dressing after fractional carbon dioxide laser application. Any complaint does not happen except a rednees lasting for 3-7 days and sometimes slight peeling on the skin. The patient can put on meke-up after the first day. This advantage of the CO2 fractional laserprovides opprtunity for the patient to continue her daily life.
What Should Be Considered Before The Application?
The patient should stay away from the sun and solarium for 1 month before application. Medications preventing blood clotting (aspirin, heparin…), retinoid containing medications (isotretinoin), and medications causing photosensitivity (tetracycline, naproxen, chloroquine) should not be taken.
If skin corrosive treatments such as dermabrasion, and peeling, or skin lifting operation were performed before the application, it should absolutely be stated to the doctor performing the application. If the patient has herpes story in the past, definitely he/she should take medication before the application.
What Should Be Considered After The Application?
It can be taken warm shower 1 day after the application. To reduce oedema and inflammation, it can be applied a cold compress. To avoid from crusting that may occur after application, the skin should be kept moist and clean. By using sterile gauze, the skin should be cleaned with saline solution. Antibiotic or epitelizan creams should be used often especially after each cleaning and shower.
This cleaning and moisturizing procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day in the first week. Make-up can be put on after healing. Depending on the type of patient’s skin and environmental conditions, after healing sun protections should be used, and skin peeling creams should not be used at least 1 month.
According To What Do The Prices Of Fractional Laser Acne Scar Treatment Vary?
The prices of fractional laser for acne scars may vary according to firstly where the scars are (on face, neck, back etc.), their depths, and density. The prices can also vary depending on how many sessions the acne scar treatment will be performed. While sometimes the patients can make payment one by one, session by session; sometimes the payments can be made by preparing package prices.
Usually the patients have the acne scars on their faces treated, and also mostly pricing is made according to this situation. For the price information about the truest acne scar treatment, you should get examined by your doctor.