Liposuction-Fat Removal Surgery
Get Rid Of Your Fats With Liposuction Permanently
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Liposuction (fat removal with vacuum) is the surgery of removing regionally accumulated excess fat by vacuum. It is used in reducing, removing the excess fat in any area of the body containing excessive fat. It is an excellent method for regional slimming, maybe the best known in practice; but it is not a weight loss procedure. In any case fat removal surgery should not be used for weight lost procedures.
What to Consider Before Liposuction Surgery?
If you are planning to undergo liposuction surgery , the first step you should take is to consult an aesthetic plastic surgeon. Keeping in mind that the desired result is correction, not perfection, the patient should openly discuss their expectations about looking, feeling good and results after liposuction.
Liposuction can improve your appearance and problem, but the results will be unique to you. Plastic surgery can change your appearance and restore the confidence in yourself, but it will not change you tottally.
Fat removal is not a method that can replace weight loss with diet and excercise, also not a solution for obesity. Liposuction is an ideal surgical technique for suitable patients. Your plastic surgeon may recommend abdominoplasty , a tummy tuck surgery, an operation in which the skin and fat tissue are removed together.
"Fat removal surgery gives excellent results in people with good skin elasticity, only have regional excessive fat, without excessive sagging and looseness of the skin". Fat removal surgery permanently reduces fat receptors along with fat cells. This is why liposuction is permanent for life. While planning the surgery, it is important to evaluate the whole area and give the exact decision where the liposuction will be performed.
Patients can request to see the before and after photos of the liposuction surgeries performed before the surgery. In this way, there will be no question mark in their minds.
How Much Fat Can Be Removed By Liposuction?
Although it varies from person to person, weight and the number of areas, a maximum of 7-8 liters of fat should be taken in a liposuction surgery.
While 5 liters may be a maximum amount for a 50 kg person, 6-7 liters can be easily taken from a 100 kg man. Therefore, the amount to be taken is unique to every patient.
Again, there is no rule that the maximum amount will be taken in every patient. For example, 2-3 liters of fat from your stomach can be enough, and this will be even better than when you lost 20-25 kg. Some problems may occur if liposuction surgery is excessively performed as a weight loss procedure.
Liposuction Surgery Methods
Fat removal can be done in 4 different ways
1- Dry technique
2- Wet technique
3- Super wet technique
4- Tumescent technique.
Liposuction is frequently performed with superwet and tumescent techniques. By injecting liquid and medications in the body with these methods, it is provided not to be cases like pain and it is provided the fatty tissues to be removed more easily. The liposuction surgery is applied often with sedation anesthesia and outpatient surgery according to the size of the area in which fat is removed.
Liposuction is often performed with super wet and tumescent techniques. With these methods the fat cells are removed much more easier and also it prevents bleeding and pain.
Liposuction surgery is often performed as outpatient or 1 night hospitalisation with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the amount of fat to be taken.
If general anesthesia is used, you will sleep during the entire operation. Depending on the extent of the liposuction surgery, the procedure can take from 45 minutes to 3-4 hours or even longer. The surgery starts with very small incisions of about 0.3 cm made in the area where liposuction will be done. The incisions will not leave any scar.
After liposuction, special corsets are worn to ensure better adhesion of the treated areas to the underlying tissue, to prevent swelling, and to prevent fluid accumulation.
After Liposuction Surgery
You will not have much pain cause of painkillers given immediately on the operation day. There may be mild pain for a few days afterward.
Numbness, swelling, mild pain may continue for a while. Swelling and bruising may occur in the surgical field, depending on the tightness or looseness of your skin. The swelling and bruising reaches its max level in 5-6 days and will begin to decrease after about 1 week.
You should use the corset which is dressed after liposuction for 1 month. After an average of 1 month, you can regain your new look and no one will understand that you have had an operation.
There may be some stiffness under the skin after 1 month, and these stiffness will improve in an average of 3 months. After 6 months, you will be able to see your final result.
If there are surface defects such as ripples, bumps, orange peel appearance, which are usually called "cellulite" before liposuction, they will decrease, but not completely disappear after liposuction.
It is recommended for a lymphatic massage between 5-15 days to prevent seroma and for a quicker healing.
High-Definition Liposuction
In today's pace, due to workload, traffic and social activities, it is not possible to spare much time for sports. When this situation is combined with an unhealthy diet, it creates an appearance of overweight and unwanted fat. The way to get rid of this situation in a short time is the operation of removing fat with liposuction. High definition liposuction, on the other hand, not only removes fat, but also shapes the tissue and makes you more muscular.At the present time, people desire to look more athletic and fit. High-definition liposuction/liposculpture is an outstanding procedure to achieve a more athletic appearance.
Hi def liposuction is actually a liposuction method. The liposuction technique called "abdominal etching" used in high-definition liposuction surgeries aims to provide a much more aesthetic appearance to the abdomen by creating a muscle structure by sculpting the superficial fats. The surgery is performed in a similar way to the classical liposuction technique. The recovery period is exactly the same, a drain is used between 3-4 days in this surgery.
In Which Areas Can High Definition Liposuction Be Performed?
Abdominal Area
High def liposuction is mostly applied in the abdomen. It is used quite often in the creation of abdominal muscles, which we named six packs.
Six pack aesthetics is the process of shaping the fats as abdominal muscles. Here, depending on the patient's current situation, six pack, four pack, two pack sometimes only deepening and clarification of the intermuscular area can be done. Especially when the deepening of the line from the groin to the waist is done together with abdominal muscle aesthetics, it creates a more balanced and harmonious result.
Back Region
There are cases where hi def lipo is usually performed together or separately with six pack abdominal aesthetics. Adding more definition to the back line, creating the border of the latissimus dorsi muscle, sculpting the waist line are high definition procedures in this region.
Chest Region
This procedure is especially suitable for men. High definition liposuction is performed to reveal the pectoral muscle line, to eliminate the excess on the sides, and to define the pectoral muscle.
If the patient has gynecomastia, it should be corrected with liposuction. In order to look much musculen, fat can be injected under the pectoral muscle in the upper pole, making the muscle appear more hypertrophic.
Arm Region
For hi def liposuction in this region; the process of sculpting the deltoid muscle, defining the muscle transition line, removing excess fat in the arms, and removing the borders of the biceps and triceps muscles are performed. The deltoid muscle can be enlarged by injecting fat for more hypertrophy.
Thigh Region
Thigh high def liposculpture procedure is done more rarely. It is especially used to highlight the muscle lines on the upper part of the thigh.
Who Are Good Candidates For High Def Liposuction?
Patients who cannot achieve the desired results despite doing sports
Patients who are not doing any sports but are not very overweight and have tight skin
Patients who want to achieve a more aesthetic appearance on their bodies
Patients who are thin but demanding body shaping
Liposuction Complications
Every surgical intervention carries a certain amount of risk. The main factor in choosing a surgurey is based on a comparison of risk and benefit. Although most patients do not experience these complications, you should discuss each one with your plastic surgeon so that you understand the risks, complications, and consequences.In fact, the liposuction surgery is not an operation showing much complication in practice.
Comlications In Early Period
Bleeding: It gradually decreased due to the medicines given in the tumescent technique and the use of tiny cannulas. Natural leaks seen in the first 24 hours should not be confused with bleeding.
Infection: It is extremely rare. The use of antibiotics after the procedure and compliance with hygiene rules reduce this risk. Antibiotics are given for prevention. Increased sensitivity, heat and temperature in a certain area may be signs of infection. In this case, you should call your doctor.
Excessive bruising and swelling: It is natural to have some bruising and swelling in the treated area. excessive bruises; can be due to looseness of the skin structure, less use of the corset, some medications and the bleeding tendency of the person.
Seroma: Extra fluid may accumulate in the areas where liposuction is applied. Additional procedures may be required to drain this fluid.
Numbness in the area of liposuction: Temporary loss of sensation may occur in the skin after liposuction. Reduced or full loss of sensation may be seen rarely, and it may not recover completely.
Allergic reaction: Local reactions against plaster, suture material and topical preparations have rarely been reported. The systemic reactions developed against medications used in the surgery are more serious. Allergic reaction requires additional treatment.
Comlications In Late Period
Disorders: Particularly in cases where the skin elasticity is not good, or in cases where the fat is taken too much, there can be indentations and protrusions from place to place. They are seen more frequently in the early postoperative period, they also decrease as the swelling decreases, but they may be permanent and should be waited up to 6 months for further correction
Anesthesia: Both local and general anesthesia includes risk of its own. Closure may be seen in small areas in your lungs. This situation increases the risk of lung infection. Antibiotic use and respiratory physiotherapy may be required.
Fat Embolism: Swelling and pain may occur in the legs as result of blood coagulation. These clots may cause results up to death by moving from their usual place and going to your lungs by blood circulation. The fat embolism syndrome occurs with escaping of the fat droplets to lungs. This is a very rare and life-critical complication. In this case, additional treatment should be applied by hospitalizing the patient.
Unsatisfying results: In fact, the most likely complication is that the result of liposuction may not satisfy you. Additional liposuction may be required to improve outcome.
Does fat ingenerate again in the regions where fats are removed?
Number of fatty tissue cannot increase again. Humans are born in fixed number of fat cell since birth. When we gain weight, number of fat cells does not increase but the cellular structures grow.
Can the liposuction surgery be performed with the purpose of weight loss?
Absolutely no. These surgeries are performed to shape the body contours. For example, it is not possible for a 70 kg woman to get out of this surgery as 60 kg.
How much fat can be removed in one session?
Although it varies from person to person, weight and the number of areas, a maximum of 7-8 liters of fat can be taken in a liposuction surgery.
Does liposuction leave any scar?
No, because we perform the liposuction surgery from very small cuts, so you don’t see any scar after healing completely.
Can the fat be removed from any desired region?
Liposuction procedure can be performed in all regions where fat ingenerates in the body.
How long does corset be worn after surgery?
The corset is worn for 4 weeks. If you have a loose skin, it can be prolonged to 5-6 weeks.
How can we prevent irregularities?
First of all, this is a situation related to the experience of the surgeon performing the liposuction and related with your skin quality and age. Secondly, usage of the thin cannulas in the surgery may prevent this situation from occurring. If it is done with tiny cannulas and in a controlled manner, there won’t be any problem in general.
Liposuction Prices 2025
Liposuction prices varies depending on the amount of fat to be removed, number of area to be harvested, the patient’s age, weight, the type of anesthesia, and whether additional treatment is needed or not. For the information about liposuction price, cost; you should be examined by your doctor. Also for international patients; they can send their photos via email or whatsapp.