PRP Treatment
Liven Up Your Skin And Hair With PRP
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PRP, or in other saying Platelet-Rich Plasma is using of the platelet rich plasma obtained by taking blood from a person and after being centrifuged of that blood according to need in face for renewing the skin, and giving brightness; and in hair to strengthen the hair follicles. In this liquid obtained, there are millions of stem cells and growth factors. Because the patient’s own tissues are used, it is a quite natural, skin-stimulating, and refreshing treatment.
Normally when a wounding occurs in our body, a blood stream increase and platelet increase occurs to that area. The texture is repaired with the cells and growth factors released from this platelet. And by the PRP, it is obtained platelet in the proportion and amount that cannot be provided by normal blood stream. Here with this PRP, averagely 2-4 times more platelet cells are given into the tissue; by this means, repair and renewal are much more.
How Is The PRP Performed?
Several tubes of blood taken from a vein in your arm are centrifuged. In these centrifuges, in high speed of revolutions, blood cells called platelet which provides the blood clotting separate after some time. Then, these cells are intervally injected into the skin with a very fine needle. Thus, the collagen and elastic fibers become stimulated. PRP treatment is as the same with a mesotherapy, filling application.
In What Areas Is PRP Used?
Renewing the skin
Reducing the skin wrinkles
Spot treatment
Accelerating healing of the skin after laser
Reducing hair loss
Strengthening hair follicles
Stretch marks treatment
Scar treatment
Acne scar treatment
Even if PRP is used in all of these fields, in practice it is mostly used to liven up, renew the skin, and strengthen the hair follicles.
And except the cosmetic applications, PRP is also used in cases such as dental applications, orthopedic disorders, sports injury, tendon diseases, and non-healing wounds as promoting the healing.
In Which Areas Of The Body Can The PRP Treatment Be Used?
Under eyes
Neck and décolleté region
Hair root
In fact PRP can be used in all of the body regions.
To Whom The PRP Is Not Performed?
It is not applied in the patients with low platelet number
In the cancer patients
How Many Sessions Are The PRP Performed?
To get a good result in PRP, it is necessary to perform application 4 sessions with 2 week intervals; and afterwards one application in 6 months will increase the effectiveness and permanence. The PRP treatment can be renewed every year; because it is a completely natural treatment, there is not any harm in performing over session.
PRP Hair Treatment
PRP is quite effective method especially in livening up the weak, brittle hair, growing new in place of the shed hair, and increasing quality and thickness of the hair. Because the hair follicles are protected especially in the woman-type hair shedding, the hair shed can grow again with the PRP hair treatment. And in men, it is used mostly to prevent the loss of existing hair. The PRP hair treatment is also applied 4 sessions with 2 week intervals. Making 1 session after 6 months provides more beneficial and better results.
Then Why Do Not The Thing In Our Body Affect That Much By Itself?
In fact, this procedure perpetually continues in our body; however by age, genetics, and wearing out renewal speed gradually lowers, and also its quality reduces. Here, by PRP enrichment procedure becomes performed, in other words the healer cells are increased and injected intensively.
What Are The Side Effects Of The Prp Treatment?
There is not a clear side effect of the PRP; bruise in the place blood was taken from, slight redness, swelling in the injection places may occur. Because the PRP is fully compatible with the body, it does not create allergy. Consequently, its application is quite easy and side effect is extremely few.
When Are The Results Observed In The PRP Application?
A few days after the application, brightness, shining occurs in the skin. Then, this effect becomes clearer with the repeating applications. For the skin renewing and wrinkle reducing effect, it is necessary to pass a long time. Because the PRP affects by stimulating the person’s own tissues, the effect becomes more apparent in time.
Is The PRP Same Procedure With The Stem Cell Application?
While the PRP is mostly rich plasma, the stem cell is a more different application. The stem cell transfer is a relatively complicated application that can be obtained from the fat, skin behind ear. PRP also contains stem cell, but in fact it is not a stem cell transfer. Mostly, it is growth factor and regenerative tissue transfer.
Can The PRP Application Be Performed With The Other Applications?
The PRP application can be combined with other applications like filling, botulinum toxin, laser, peeling etc. according to your state. Your doctor will determine this situation in accordance with your state.
According To What Do The PRP Prices Vary?
PRP prices vary according to the application area, type of the PRP treatment, and PRP session number. Prices of the PRP treatment to be performed in the facial region and prices of the PRP treatment to be performed on the hand or for hair may be different. PRP prices in the combined applications and the one-session price may differ. You can get the most reliable information about PRP prices by calling our clinic or by e-mail from the menu on the side.