Skin Care
Make Your Skin Breathe With Skin Care
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Our skin is affected and worn out from external factors, cold, sun, wind, medications, creams, age, and diseases. Here, our skin also needs to be protected and cared like other organs. A facial skin which skin care is not applied ages, wrinkles, thins out much faster.
For this reason, we suggest regular skin care to our patients. The purpose of skin care is cleaning the pores, providing oxygen to the skin, removing keratinized dead layer on the skin, giving brightness, liveliness and freshness, and eliminating toxins with the lymph drainage. Skin care is an application lasting for 1-1.5 hour. Skin care should be performed once a month to protect the skin against external factors and wearing out to be formed by years.
At the same time, skin care relieves the person, provides to rest psychologically.
In our skin care unit, application is performed with the Finex brand skin care device, and Atache products are used in the course of the skin care.
Skin care applications performed ın our center:
Classical Skin Care
Care For Skin With Acne/Problem
Skin Care In Spotted Face
Clearing Skin Care
Crash Cure Cares
Special Ampoule and Mask Applications
One of the information should be known in the skin care is that the spots will not heal with the skin care. Spot treatment is a treatment that can be performed with laser not with skin care. Moreover, one of the biggest mistakes made is trying to treat the acne scars with skin care. And this is not possible with the skin care. However, it can be corrected with laser.
The products, tonics, cleaners you should use during skin care will be suggested to you by the cosmeticians. You can learn what you should do for the skin care and your skin’s clearness. In addition, by calling our clinic you can get information about the skin care session and package prices.
At the same time, in our clinic if demanded, laser peeling with Spectra laser, carbon peel, skin cleaning applications with laser can be performed in combination with the classical skin care.