Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation
What You Wonder About Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation

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Of course our first advice for the patients came with the desire of breast augmentation is the breast augmentation surgeries performed with silicone. It is performed quite a lot all over the world. The breast augmentation surgeries performed by fat transfer has also become quite popular in recent years.
How About The Patient Doesn’t Want To Have Surgery At All!!!

Some patients refrain from undergoing surgery, taking anesthesia, healing period, side effect and complications, and do not approach to have surgery in no circumstances. And this Aquafilling non-surgical breast augmentation is precisely for these patients. Non-surgical breast augmentation is a filling application injected under breast.
Aquafilling Breast Filler
The Aquafilling filler is a hydrophilic gel which is composed of synthetic linear polyamide, has a three dimensional molecular structure, is known as the store of normal 0,9% of physiological sodium chloride solution like saline serum we know placed within matrix. There are multiple hydrogen bonds between carbonyl and amine groups in the Aquafilling filler.
The present active carboxylic groups bring a positive charge in the structure; by way of this positive charge of the filler, the hydrophilic gel pulls the soluble negatively charged molecules in extracellular matrix toward itself, and thus long standing volume increase is provided in the soft tissue. The Aquafilling filler is used in non-surgical breast augmentation, buttock augmentation and shaping, knock-knee aesthetics, and treatment of invaginations in the body.
In Which Cases Is Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation Applied?
In patients who are troubled with the volumes and sizes of their breasts
In patients who want to enlarge their breasts 1-2 size
In patients who want to form a light fullness and freshness in their breasts
In the presence of very light sagging, the filling application is performed.
However, in the presence of an obvious sagging, preferring the breast lifting surgery will be more appropriate.

How Long Is Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation Permanent?
The filling application performed is permanent about 5-8 years. Due to its structure, it slowly demolishes away from the body. One of its biggest advantages is providing opportunity for repeating injections.
How Is Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation Performed?
The application lasts for about 30-60 minutes with local anesthesia. First of all, the breasts are anesthetized by the local anesthetics. Then, the filler is injected in the breast with a very thin cannula or needle from one point, and shaping of breasts is provided. Pain is not felt in the course of surgery, patient sees the conclusion immediately.

What Happens After Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation?
The patient continues her normal life immediately after the application of non-surgical breast augmentation. A slight swelling will occur in the breasts after application; this swelling will completely disappear after about 1 week.
Also one of the reasons of the swelling is the local anesthetic injected in breasts, and the volume it creates. The patients can wear a tight bra in this period, it is suggested her to avoid heavy sport activities for about 1 week.
Does Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation Affect Breastfeeding, Suckling?
The application is performed under the breast tissue; any change does not come into question about nipple and mammary glands of the patient. Consequently, it does not pose an obstacle to pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Is There Any Side Effect Of The Aquafilling Used With The Purpose Of Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation?
The studies conducted about this filler which has been used since 2004 have proven that it is quite safe. It’s not been detected that Aquafilling filler does not have any carcinogenic, teratogenic effect, and incompatibility with the body.
According To What Do Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation Prices Vary?
Aquafilling non-surgical breast augmentation prices are very closely related with how much a filling application will be performed to the breasts. As the amount of filler increases, price of the application will also increase. Consequently, the cost will be different between the patient requesting a slight fullness, and the patient requesting an obvious enlargement.
For the prices of non-surgical breast augmentation, you should get examined by your doctor.