Breast Augmentation Surgery (Silicone Prosthesis)
Which Silicone Is The Most Suitable For You In Breast Augmentation?

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Breasts are one of the most important elements of beauty and self-confidence for women. Along with the increase of plastic surgeries, one of the surgeries which are the most pleasing and women most prefer in our age is the breast augmentation surgery by silicone prosthesis. By reasons of such as pregnancy, breast-feeding, aging, and gaining-losing weight, the breasts can become smaller, sometimes sag, or they cannot reach the sufficient size and largeness as a result of growth deficiency.
In such cases, it is possible to create breasts which are bigger, larger, more thickened, with more beautiful appearance aesthetically, and have projection by the surgeries performed oriented to enlarge and augment the small breast. This breast augmentation can be performed with the most suitable silicone breast prostheses.
Breast augmentation surgery is the procedure of increasing the breast size with the breast prostheses placed under the breast tissue or under the muscular tissue. This intervention can be applied for structurally small breasts, asymmetries and size differences, or for the breasts waned and discharged after delivery.
After the examination for breast augmentation the plastic surgeon explains to the patient by determining the factors may affect the decisions about surgery like the skin covering rib cage, the presence of breast tissue, the size, if there is sagging, if there is any mass, and the status of breasts. For the cases in which the breasts are obviously sagging, the plastic surgeon will reduce the breast skin in addition to the breast augmentation surgery, and can also suggest a reshaping method in other words breast lifting surgery additionally.
Breast Augmentation Surgery Incision Places
There are some different surgical approaches used in the breast augmentation surgery. The most frequently used technique and also my personal preference is the inframammary fold incision made a little above the area where the bottom part of breast joins the rib cage. This area is the best entry incision in which the operative field is best observed, the bleeding control is easily performed, the mark is not seen when standing, and the mark becomes in same color with the skin.
Also, the areola circumference incision in half-circle shape made throughout the lower bound of the dark colored skin around nipple (areola) can be used. I don’t prefer this area a lot. It may be possible to face with the situations like loss of sensation, and inability of breast-feeding in the breast augmentation surgeries performed from here. Also, the mark in shape of café-au-lait remains obvious.
And one of the rarer used places is the axillary incision made in the armpit. Even if this incision seems advantageous in terms of not creating a mark on-breast, the operative field can be observed hard; and when the patients wear bikini and t-shirt in summer, the marks can appear in both armpits symmetrically. Place of the incision to be made can vary depending on the plastic surgeon’s preference, the patient’s desires, and the type of prosthesis to be used.
Decision-Making On The New Breast Size To Be Formed
One of the most important matters for the patients who will have breast augmentation surgery is deciding on the sizes of the new breasts to be formed. The patients requesting breast augmentation surgery generally have difficulty in describing the largeness, size of the breast they want to reach. Frequently, they say the bra number and the body size they want.
The plastic surgeon should understand especially the patient’s desires, listen to their expectancies, measure the body size, and choose the sizes of silicone breast implant as to be appropriate for his/her body sizes. I determine the sizes to be suitable for my patients, after examine them and understand their expectancies. Before performing the surgery, the silicones can be brought in the hospital not as in single size, in several sizes and alternatives; thus all of the silicone implants we need in the surgery be at our hand.
I also bring the trial prostheses called “sizer” in the operating room. I firstly place the sizer prosthesis in the course of the operation. If this size did not form the desired size, I place a big or on the contrary a small sized silicone. By this means, I’m catching the size my patients desire in the course of trial and error. After I determined the size I want, I place the original silicone prosthesis to the patient. In this way as result of measurement and evaluations made, the truest decision has been given in the operation by the sizer silicone.
Place Of the Silicone To Be Placed In Breast Augmentation Surgery
The silicone breast prostheses can be placed under the breast tissue, or under the breast-wall muscle (pectoralis major) under the breast, in other words in a space prepared under the muscle by way of the incision made. Also in our day, it can be performed in subfacial area or so as to be one part under breast tissue one part under muscular tissue, called dual plan.
I prefer to place under muscle, dual plan or subfacial according to the patient’s status in general. The operations performed by placing under the muscle or as dual plan are more natural, and also the silicone is protected by more tissues. If the patient’s breasts are slight sagging, or she has noticeable breasts, also in this case I prefer dual plan or subfacial area. In the surgery, a space is opened under muscle or under tissue, and it should be given importance that these spaces should be an amount larger especially than the sizes of prostheses.
Types and Characteristics of Silicone Prosthesis
In breast augmentation surgeries, silicone breast prostheses are used. It can roughly be divided into two as prostheses of which inside containing silicone gel and containing physiological saline. In recent years, silicone breast implants, which even if the prosthesis is cut, the gel silicone inside does not flow, go out, called cohesive gel have been produced. I prefer the prostheses containing cohesive gel, instead of physiological saline for all the time.
It has been determined by many foreign scientific researches that the breast prosthesis does not cause the cancer. In these researches, the patients who have been followed for a long time as 20-30 years are examined; and the rate of breast cancer occurrence in the patients with breast prosthesis is not different than in the normal women, even it’s been stated that it is a bit lower.
These prostheses do not cause allergic reactions, act as foreign body, and have toxic side effects. Highly safe usage areas have occurred.
Silicones can be classified according to their types as anatomic (tear drop) silicone or round. The silicone to be placed will vary depending on the patient’s existing status, breast structure, whether there is sagging. The most preferred silicone types in the world are brands such as Mentor, Natrelle, McGhan, and Nagor.
After Breast Augmentation Surgery
Depending upon the scope of operation, the presence of asymmetry; the breast augmentation surgery lasts about 1-1.5 hour. Following the operation, a small dressing is applied in the breasts, bra is used. After surgery, the pain is easily controlled with medication, and it will be relieved in the first or second day.
The matter that the patients hesitate most is amount of the pain. I’m applying long acting local anesthesia in the operative field in the course of breast augmentation surgery. Thus, the patients spend the postoperative period quite easily.
There will be swelling for about 1 week. At the end of this time, swelling in the breasts will reduce, the breast will become softer, and the newly formed inframammary fold will start to become natural.
The sutures set in a week, because I use suture from inside, there is no need for suture removal.
The surgery scars will fade away in time, 6 months – 1 year later they will become hardly visible. Slight swelling and color changes in the breasts will disappear within a few days.
Purpose of the breast augmentation surgery is more natural and larger seeming breasts. It is possible to get this result immediately after the surgery.
Breast Augmentation Surgery Complications
The most important complication of breast prosthesis operations is the capsular contracture. In fact, the capsular tissue occurs after all of the breast augmentation surgery. However, the problem is not the capsule occurrence, it is that the capsule becomes contracted in other word hardens. Capsular contracture is the situation of elastic tissue formed by the body to deform the shape of breast and silicone, being palpable as extremely hard.
This possibility can be minimized by taking care of some factors. Placing non-oversized, in appropriate size silicone prosthesis, not being infection after the operation, and working clean and bloodless in the surgery will reduce the possibility of capsular prosthesis.
Asymmetry of the breasts may occur depending on the recovery period difference in both sides, swelling, and hardness. Hardening in breasts in different degrees may show up in week even months following the surgery. In some cases, the plastic surgeon can suggest breast massage to increase the softness. Following operation, sometimes sensation may be lost in the nipples, numbness may occur, but in most cases it will return back in time.
Usually, the breast augmentation surgery is one of the operations that we immediately get result, is pleasant, and the women demand most. However in order to get a good result, it is required for the surgery to be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. There is no need to change as long as a deformity occurs in the breasts.
To whom can silicone breast augmentation surgery be performed?
It can be performed in the purpose of both augmentation and breast lifting firstly in women with small breasts, secondly in ones whose breasts become smaller and sagged because of pregnancy or various reasons while they were in normal sizes before. Women with small and sagging breasts use uplift bras in general. But when the silicone prosthesis is placed under breast tissue by these surgeries, it acts as a natural support and show the breast lifted. If there is an excessive sagging, it is definitely required lifting surgery.
What is the risk of having breast cancer after silicone breast augmentation surgeries?
Due to women performed silicone implant surgery in USA sued against the famous plastic surgeries and the companies producing silicone, the silicone agent was held under the microscope. The famous companies have been researching the silicone for years. And the result concluded from the researches is the same old; silicone does not cause cancer. And the more interesting thing is being faced with less cancer in women with prosthesis than in the normal population in the studies conducted backwards on women who had silicone breast surgery and did not have.
What types of silicone prostheses are used?
Disadvantage of the prostheses containing physiological saline is being harder than the gel prostheses in consistence, and they may leak.
How can the breast augmentation surgery be performed?
It can be performed with three methods. The operation can be performed by entering from the nipple, inframammary fold or armpit. I prefer the surgical incision from inframammary fold, if the diameter of brown part of the breast is 3.5 cm and over, the operation can be performed also from this area; however the mark in surgeries made from under the breast is much less clear. And the marks on the armpits can be seen while sunbathing and in t-shirt.
Can Be Breast Fed After Surgery?
After breast augmentation surgery, the patient can relievedly breast-feed; it does not create any side effect towards production and delivery of the milk. The silicone is not removed so that pregnancy period came into existence; there is no need for such a thing. You can breastfeed your baby healthfully.
How can be made decision on the size of prosthesis used in breast augmentation?
It is possible to form breast size firstly in the size the person who decided for the surgery, and in which is compatible with the body. However, the surgeon should also explain the some parameters to the patient. These are the rate of height and weight, width of the rib cage, the skin thickness or fineness, size of the existing breast tissue, position of the nipple and the brown part, and base measures of the existing breast tissue. In the light of these parameters, the doctor and patient make together the selection of the most appropriate prosthesis.
How long is the life of silicone prosthesis used?
As sometimes it can be a lifetime, and sometimes they can need to be changed after 15-20 years.
How long does breast augmentation surgery heal?
Because the operation is performed within a short time as 1-2 hour, the patient can be discharged from the hospital or stay in the hospital for 1 day. The sutures heal spontaneously within 7 days. If the patient desires, she can return her work in 3 days.
Can the difference between two breasts be balanced?
If there is not sagging, there is only size difference in breasts, an experienced surgeon can perform the breast asymmetry in the same size with selection of the right prosthesis in the surgery.
Is is possible to remove the prosthesis whenever we want?
Your prostheses can be removed by a 15-20-minute operation with local anesthesia whenever you want.
Can prosthesis be used in correction of the sagging breasts?
Yes, it can. Already purpose of the prosthesis is enlarging, besides that, sagging can be removed by it to be placed under the breast tissue as support-purpose in the sagging breasts. However, there should be a slight sagging in breasts. In case of an apparent sagging, breast lifting surgery is required.
According to what do breast augmentation prices vary?
The breast augmentation prices will change according to the existing status of patient, the form, type and brand of the silicone to be used, and the hospital differences. Also, one of the factors affecting the breast augmentation prices is whether there is sagging in breasts of the patient, or not. If there is sagging and it is necessary to perform also breast lifting surgery, the cost of breast augmentation will increase. Breast augmentation surgery is not covered by the private and state insurances. To learn the current period 2025 breast augmentation prices, you should get examined.