Hair Transplantation With Follicular Unit (FUT) Technique
Which One Is The Most Appropriate Method For Hair Transplantation? FUE Or FUT?
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It is the technique of follicular unit transplantation that took the place of punch graft and minigraft technique after the historical development of hair transplantation techniques. Hair exists and grows in groups consisting of one, two, three and four strands in our body. These hair groups consisted naturally is named as “folliculat unit transplantation (FUT)”. These units have irregularly scattered in the scalp. Transferring the follicular units in the donor (giver) area into the hairless areas for hair transplantation is called “follicular unit transplantation (FUT)”.
The normal density in the scalp is 70-100 follicular units for each square centimeter. Depending on the patient’s hair density, performing 35-50 follicular units of transplantation for each square centimeter provides a sufficient hair density. While in some persons fewer units are sufficient, denser transplantation is required in some.
What should be done to place the most units for each sqare centimeter is performing the densest channel opening procedure. The densest channel opening is provided with micro-lateral incision. For that, the slit knives in 0.02 mm thickness give the best results. It is a technique providing opportunity to place 40-90 follicular units in each square centimeter.
While the follicular units are prepared, excess skin and tissues around the hair follicle are cleaned. The grafts obtained can be placed into the channels in the form of micro-incisions opened very close to each other.
The lateral slit technique can be used here. In the lateral slit (coronal slit) technique, the fine bistouries used to open channels are prepared as special to the hair and graft thickness, and the planned surgery. With this method the channels are opened with much smaller angles compared to other methods. Especially in those with thin skin, it provides advantage in the transplantations performed into the temporal region. Due to these bistouries, it is possible to imitate the natural angulation of your hair one-to-one.
Especially in the areas close to the hairline, it brings great benefits for naturalness of the line. Also in this technique, because the depth of channels opened by these special bistouries is adjusted in accordance with the length of the prepared grafts, there is no risk to open the channels deep. And this keeps us away from the possibility of the other materials which can open much deeper channel to damage the superficial fine veins.
Because the possibility of the grafts to make pressure to each other is lower compared to other method (sagittal), it provides opportunity to place densely. In this way, the smallest possible grafts are transplanted in the opened channels. Due to the channels are small, the wound healing is rapid; scar or deformity are not left in the skin. Depending upon the hair density in the donor area of the person, 2000-3000 pcs grafts can be transplanted in the one-session FUT operation. In the end of the procedure, a wound scar in 1.5 – 2 mm thickness is left on the nape.
Advantages of FUT method
2000 hair follicles can be taken in each session, the operation takes 4-5 hours in other words a shorter time is needed, while the hair follicles are separated as single and double outside, the patient’s rest period increases, when more hair follicles are required it can be combined with other method, there is no need to have short hair cut, transplantation can be performed in normal hair length, and it is more economical in terms of price.
Disadvantages of FUT method
A scar that is unclear, becomes lighter in time, hides in hair, and is line-shaped is left in the region the hair follicles were taken from; numbness or loss of sensation lasting several months may occur in the donor region; and it is necessary to wait for about 6 months to apply the second session.