Facial Implants
Medpor and Silicone Implants Which One Is More Compatible With Your Face?

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One of the corrections in facial area is the augmentation by implant method. These implants can be applied in the tip, corner of the chin, and on the zygoma.
These implants are composed of the materials called silicone or medpor. They have strong effect on physical appearance of the persons whose gonion is ahead or behind than normal. Face profile and projection are corrected with these operations.
Chin Implants
In the persons whose gonion is behind and small, it is possible to stretch out the lower jaw and make it a structure in compatible with the face by placing implants in the gonion. These prostheses are in various sizes and in compatible with the gonion as to form. Due to special porous structure of the medpor implants, the bone cells (osteocytes) provide ossification in that area in time by entering into the pores. This operation is performed from inside of the mouth, from the area between lips and teeth, or under the chin.
An apparent mark does not occur in both cases. The operation can be performed under local anesthesia, and sedation or general anesthesia. This operation is performed for the face proportions, to balance the face proportions in the same session with rhinoplasty in general. The patient can go back home in the same day the operation is performed. Especially for well recovery of the in-mouth incision, liquid food and gargling are suggested for a few days.
Lower Jawbone (Mandibula) Angle Implants
Especially the chin corner has a significant importance in persons’faces. Deficiencies in this area are removed by the implants placed in this area with an incision made from inside of the mouth. The operation can be performed under local anesthesia, and sedation or general anesthesia.
This operation is performed for the face proportions, to balance the face proportions in the same session with rhinoplasty in general. The patient can go back home in the same day the operation is performed. Especially for well recovery of the in-mouth incision, liquid food and gargling are suggested for a few days.
Upper Jawbone (Maxilla) Implants
It is performed especially in the patients whose upper jaw bone is underdeveloped, in order to correct the deficiencies in this area. It is aimed the cheek and sometimes the edge of nose to be more projectile by the prostheses placed in this area.
Zygoma Implants
It is an operation performed in the persons whose zygoma is insufficient in order to increase the projection of this area. Volume increase is provided by placing medpor or silicone prosthesis. For the operation an incision is made from inside of the mouth, and consequently there is not a mark left. The operation can be performed under local anesthesia, and sedation or general anesthesia. This operation is performed for the face proportions, to balance the face proportions in the same session with rhinoplasty in general. The patient can go back home in the same day the operation is performed.
Especially for well recovery of the in-mouth incision, liquid food and gargling are suggested for a few days. Because the implant operations are simple, safe and painless, and because it is an easy operation providing serious improvement and rejuvenation in the facial aesthetics, it is much sought after.