Plastic Surgery
Developments and Latest Trends In Plastic Surgery

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Plastic surgery is a branch providing the person to feel himself/herself more beautiful, better and more self-confident. The most important reason of the plastic surgery to be popular in our day is that both it appeals to individuals from all ages, and its accessibility has become easy. For example the prominent ear surgery is performed from 6 years. Consequently, plastic surgery can be applied even in the children.
Then, What Is The Difference Between Plastic Surgery And Cosmetic Surgery?
In fact, when it comes to the plastic and reconstructive surgery; the cosmetic surgery and the surgery aiming to create new form and function, explaining injuries, skin neoplasms, tendon surgery, facial fractures, burnings, and tissue transfers are understood.
Is There Any Scar Left In The Plastic Surgery?
The wrong information that people misunderstand most and maybe want so in our day is non-being left a scar in the plastic surgery. This is a wrong opinion. In all areas cut, sutured or healed without suturing, scar is left. Disappearance of these scars is not possible. However, the incisions in plastic surgery are made in hidden places in general. These places are the natural line and folds of the body. Eyelid fold, back of the ear, in the nose etc.
If the incision will be made in an open area, the plastic surgeon tries to hide it in the most hidden area as possible that is also heals well. For example, in the forehead while an incision parallel to the forehead lines will leave a slight scar, an incision vertical to the forehead wrinkles leaves much more scar.
What Is Aesthetic Suture?
There many suture techniques in plastic surgery. However, scar is left also in these sutures. The difference of plastic surgery is making fewer traumas on the tissue, preventing the suture line to be stretched, and repairing the tissues in layers anatomically. Sometimes, all sutures are made under the tissue. And this is what is called aesthetic suture among people.
What Are The New Trends In Plastic Surgery?
One of the branches most benefited from the rapid development of technology and medicine is the plastic surgery. Consequently, it has been benefited from these technologies in the surgeries performed. Completely entering of laser in medicine provides opportunity for it to be used in surgeries. Of course, all of the aesthetic surgeries are not performed by laser, or it does not mean that the surgery with laser is better.
Increase and improvement of the surgical equipment also make the surgeries easier and providing good results. For example, the operations such as fat transfer, liposuction, gynecomastia, and breast augmentation have been performed more frequently and successfully compared to the past.
Hip aesthetics, buttock implant surgeries, knock-knee aesthetics, and silicone implant and fat transfer in leg, which were not performed much before, are among the commonly performed plastic surgeries.
In addition, non-surgical aesthetics has become popular in recent times. Facial implant applications, botox, stem cell treatment, Ulthera, Thermi Tight, Zeltiq, fractional laser thread facelift, prp treatment, , soprano ice laser hair removal applications are extremely popular.
Apart from this, the lifting methods made with some threads are also used though not always.
Are Plastic Surgeries Painful?
Each aesthetic surgery has its own conditions. While some of the aesthetic surgeries are painful, some of them do not form pain at all. Of course, there will be differences in the surgeries performed belonging to the surgeon and patient. For example, although bones are broken in nose jobs, pain does not occur. The reason is that the surgery is performed from under the periosteum (bone membrane).
Because the aesthetic plastic surgeries are generally the surgeries performed in healthy persons and mostly concern the bone and soft tissues, they do not form pain as thought. Pains occur responding to the painkillers in a couple of days.
Do Plastic Surgeries Always Bring The Desired Results?
Plastic surgery is a branch connected to the knowledge, experience and doctor’s planning. Of course, the surgeries performed make the patients happy most of the time, but there are complications and undesired results in also aesthetics as in all surgical or medicine branches. These results are the situations encountered by all patients and all plastic surgeons. What is important is to encounter less with these situations, and to be able to treat them when encountered.
Is Aesthetic Surgery Covered By The Private And State Insurances?
As is evident from its name, these situations are the surgeries completely depending on the patient’s request. Consequently, while of course deformities connected to a disease or reason and the reconstructive repairs of them are covered by the health insurances, the aesthetic surgery is not definitely covered. Consequently, the patients requesting aesthetic surgery have to cover its charge.
According To What Do Plastic Surgery Prices Vary?
The plastic surgery prices vary according to the surgery performed, whether there is surgery more than one, whether an implant like silicone is used with it, the materials, choice of hospital, and type of anesthesia. To learn the plastic surgery prices, you can call our clinic and come to get examined.