Laser Treatment For Nevus Nevus Removal
You Can Get Rid Of Your Nevi By Laser In A Single Session
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As well as the nevi (plural nevus) can be removed surgically, they can also be treated by laser. The nevi to be removed by laser should be benign. While epidermal and dermal nevi can be treated by laser, the skin cancers and lesions with very deep roots should be removed surgically.The benign nevi, and the nevi that are swollen or at the level of the skin can be treated by Er Yag laser at once without leaving a scar.
The feature of the Erbium laserErbium laser is that it treats the nevi in a single session. Local anesthesia is performed in course of the application, thus the patient does not feel pain. The nevus treatment occurs extremely quickly. So, the patients can have their nevi in large number like 10-20 pcs removed collectively at a time.
Damage of the area applied will completely disappear at the end of 1 week after applying the laser treatment for nevus, only a slight redness will be left. And this redness will take the same color with the skin in any period between 1-6 months. Consequently, after a certain time passes, it will not be clear a procedure was performed.
In How Many Sessions Is Nevus Removal By Laser Performed?
If an appropriate laser is used for this procedure, the nevus removal is performed at a time. The treatments performed session by session are not nevus treatment, they are the spot treatment.
Is the procedure of nevus removal by laser a painful application?
Because the application is performed with local anesthesia, pain is not formed. A pain does not occur later.
What Do I Deal With After The Procedure Of Nevus Removal By Laser?
First of all, a small wound will occur in the place of the nevus removed, this wound will close in about a week. Within this time slight redness, blister and crusting occur. When the wound closes, only the redness is left. This redness turns into the skin color in time.
Does It Recur After The Laser Treatment For Nevus?
Sometimes, especially the melanocytic nevi in the level of skin can make recurrence after the treatment. After 1 month in average, it shows itself in form of a small browning in its old place. In this case, it is required to remove that nevus again.
According To What Do The Prices Of Laser Treatment For Nevus Vary?
Firstly the number of nevi is a condition affecting the price. Sometimes, if the place of nevus is a place showing feature, this situation may also affect the price. Also, being the nevus much larger than the classical nevi will also affect the price. To learn the nevus treatment prices, you should contact our clinic.
How Is The Nevus Removal With Chemicals By Evaporating With The Cautery Ice?
In the burning procedure made by cautery, a burn is formed in the tissue and in the procedure in this way burn scar occurs. And the procedure called voparization is being evaporated of the nevi (moles) by burning with cautery. Scar will be left in that kind of nevus removal treatment. Also the freezing procedure made by ice creates cold burn and the frozen scar is left. Also in the nevus removal procedure performed by using chemical agents, both burn scar is formed, and also the nevus cannot be removed completely.