Dermabrasion Peeling Procedure
How Is Dermabrasion Performed How Long Does It Recover?

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Dermabrasion or mechanical peeling is the surgical procedure of sanding, peel of the uppermost layer of the skin. Dermabrasion procedure is generally performed with the purpose of correction, relieving of the marks, pores, scars, spots left by the recovering inflammatory cystic acne, or the wound scars puffier of sunken than the skin.
In the Dermabrasion procedure, the uppermost layer of the skin is peeled slowly and controlledly via special diamond tips. When the upper layer of the skin epidermis and superficial dermis are peeled, the body brings a smoother, more stretched and fresher skin layer, by bringing the new tissue in these areas very quickly.
When it is applied especially in the pores left by acne, the superficial acne scars are removed, and the deeper scars become unclearer. The pores are closed, spots are fixed, and the skin becomes brighter and clearer. Dermabrasion is a procedure performed at once, but if needed the procedure can be repeated at least 6 months later.
Which Anesthesia Can Dermabrasion Be Performed With?
The procedure is performed under local, and sedation or general anesthesia depending on the width of region where dermabrasion will be performed. When the procedure is performed under local, sedation anesthesia, and the person can return his/her home in the same day. In this case nothing will be felt in the course of surgery, but as soon as it finishes the person will be able to return his/her normal state. When the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, if an additional surgery was not performed, the person can return his/her home in the same day or the day after.
After Dermabrasion

After the peeling procedure, a very slight dressing is applied on the facial area, or it is left open by applying plenty of pomade. Generally, I prefer put a dressing on the upper part of the skin. By this means, both the patient is at ease, and also pain, burning sensation do not occur. Because the epithelialization will be completed within 24 hours, next day you can make your hand to touch on the place applied in.
After dermabrasion mechanical peeling procedure, pain or bleeding does not occur. A light pink, fresh, rejuvenated skin will show up from the bottom. This pinkness reduces in time and after 1 week your skin reaches its normal color. Between areas where application is performed, and not performed; a tone difference may occur till 1 month.
The patients can return their works after 1 week. Right completion of the healing takes 6 months. Within this time, sun protections should absolutely be used. The patients whose skin color is light heal more quickly and faster; the dark skinned patients can also have this procedure relievedly. However, their period of color improvement takes longer time compared to the light skinned ones. Dermabrasion procedure should be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon.
After dermabrasion, temporary spotting, whiteness or brown color changes may occur on the skin. Again, small whiteness called milia may occur. These situations will disappear by themselves.
Laser Dermabrasion
Dermabrasion can be performed with laser as well as being performed mechanically. Erbium laser and Co2 laser systems are used for this application. The dermabrasions made with laser can be performed more controlledly than the mechanical dermabrasions. At the same time, healing speed of the dermabrasion made with laser is quicker than of the mechanical dermabrasion.
Dermabrasion Prices
Dermabrasion procedure prices, charges change depending on your status, the area to be applied in, reason, and the type of anesthesia to be chosen. For the dermabrasion prices, you should get examined by your doctor.