Laser Treatment For Burn Scar
Effect Of The Fractional Laser In The Laser Treatment For Burn Scar

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There is not a method in medicine to completely remove the third degree burn scars. In these scars, if decreasing, reducing of the scar by surgery is possible, it is the first choice. For this purpose, flaps, the expander (tissue expansion by balloon) method, and grafts can be used. In some cases, it may be impossible to be able to apply these treatment methods. The place of burn, the state of the surrounding tissue, whether it is healthy or not, the expansion are some of the factors that may affect the surgery.
In cases that the surgery is impossible, it may be possible to be able to make these scars better by the carbon dioxide laser, Erbium laser, and the fractional laser, microneedling radiofrequency . By the fractional laser, , the swollen scars can be softened, reduced in the level of skin, its redness can be corrected, even the mature scars can be brought in better state. This situation is possible by the laser stimulating the collagen and elastic fibers under the skin.
Moreover, laser is quite effective also in reducing the sequelae occurred depending on burn, and in softening the grafts. As well as these lasers can be used one by one in these scars, they can also be used by combining. At least 3 sessions with a month-interval laser treatment for burn should be applied on the patients.