What Is Vaser Liposuction?
Get Rid Of Your Fats With Vaser Liposuction

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One of the most commonly performed surgeries in our country is the liposuction with the effect of genetic structure and feeding habits. And liposuction surgery can be performed in many different ways with change and development of technology. One of them is the Vaser lipo technique.
By the Vaser Liposuction technique, firstly fats in the area where the application will be performed are made liquid by ultrasound energy, right after removed from the body by liposuction method in a less traumatic way, and as to be easier. Fats can be removed effectively by Vaser liposuction; at the same time, it is provided the fats to be removed bloodlessly.
Feature of this application is melting the fatty tissue selectively, without damaging the tissues, vein, nerve and skin. Because a low energy is used in Vaser liposuction, damage to surrounding tissues is minimal.
In Which Areas Is Vaser Liposuction Used?
By this application, fats anywhere in the body can be removed. Belly, waist, buttocks, hip, in-legs, knee circumference, lower leg, arms, jowl, ankles, back, and nucha can be counted. The waist fold can be made well apparent and sharp with Vaser liposuction, and also the application of Vaser High Definition can be performed to create abdominal muscle.
What Are The Differences Between Vaser Liposuction And Other Liposuction Techniques?
Bruise and swelling occurs slightly less compared to the classical liposuction. Also with the special effect of the Vaser device, an increase is provided in the skin elasticity. High amounts of fat can also be removed by Vaser 2.0 liposuction without disrupting the patient’s body balance and stability. If the patient desires to remove fat from many areas of his/her body, it can be possible with the Vaser liposuction. Of course this decision will be made by your doctor.
Also, because a low energy is used compared to laser liposuction, it does not inflict a damage like burning in the skin. And it is preferred because it efficiently softens the hardened tissue formed in the areas which underwent surgery or performed liposuction in before.
What Type Of Anesthesia Is Vaser Lipo Performed With?
The Vaser liposuction application is performed by anesthetizing with sedation anesthesia. Thus, you don’t feel any pain. You can come out of the hospital in the same day after surgery. If it will be performed in a lot of areas, general anesthesia; and in very small areas, local anesthesia can be applied.
After Vaser Liposuction
There will be swelling for about 1 week after surgery, and the swelling; oedema will reduce after 1 week. Wearing corset for about 1 month will be good for your result. Becoming in the best state will happen after 6 months. However, you will always be good within this process and you can observe the result.
According To What Do Vaser Liposuction Prices Vary?
Vaser liposuction prices vary from person to person, according to the expansion of the area fat will be removed from, its amount, and the state of the regions application is performed in. Consequently, you can learn the information about Vaser liposuction prices after getting examined. If you want, you can get information from 212 2967442, and address your questions by filling out the communication form.