Facelift Surgery
You Can Look Younger With Facelift Surgery

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Changes occurred in facial area with aging, gravity, sun damage, wrinkles effects seem the person older, tired and unhappy. In order to remove these problems, facelift surgery can be performed especially in patients in middle age and older. Since the facelift surgery is mostly performed in mid-forties and older, non existence of an important health problem is the basis for this surgery.
Purpose in the facelift surgeries is taking the sagging cheek and neck area back to their old place, providing wrinkles to reduce, bringing younger and more dynamic appearance to the face.
Skin structures, state of the fatty tissue, skin elasticity, state of the bones, if there are additional problems of the patients who will have facelift surgery have effect on the surgical technique to be preferred. As the facelift surgery can be performed in the patients older and with sagging as classical facelift, it can be performed in those who have less sagging as midface lift or MACS lift. Due to facelift surgery, you will be provided to seem better and more beautiful.
With development of technology in our day, non-surgical facelift methods have emerged for the patients not preferring surgery.
Click Here For Ulthera Non-Surgical Facelift
Click Here For Thermi Tight Non-Surgical Facelift
To Whom Facelift Surgery Is Performed
In the examination of patients desiring to have facelift surgery; sagging in the neck area, if liposuction will be made in the neck, state of the eyelids, if the gonion is made apparent and implant can be put in, if fat injection or procedures bringing volume will be performed in the cheeks are decided. Sometimes combination of these surgeries may be necessary for a better conclusion.
There are many small nerves driving the mimic muscles of face in the facial area, these nerves should not be damaged. For this reason, the facelift surgery is an experience requiring surgery. In your examination to be made, both surgical techniques in compliance with your structure will be chosen, and you will get the required information about the surgery. If you are smoking, it will be requested from you to stop it before the facelift surgery. If you have hypertension, heart problems, diabetes or an additional disease, you should state it.
While getting information about the facelift surgery, alternative operations and applications that may be performed will also be explained to you. If your age is young, leading surgeries like eyelid aesthetics, jowl liposuction can be performed before the facelift surgery.
When you take decision of the facelift surgery and you decide the techniques to be applied with your plastic surgeon, information about the anesthesia technique, other additional interventions, gaining and risks of the surgery, in which hospital it will be performed and its budget will be given to you. The facelift surgery is an operation performed under general anesthesia in hospital conditions. Surgery time changes according to the works to be made. In general, staying 1 night in the hospital is sufficient.
Types of Facelift Surgery
Classical facelift surgery
MACS Lift facelift surgery
Midface lift surgery
Classical Facelift Surgery
Surgical incisions start from the temporal region, are made from the front of ear and to be hidden in the ear canal, under the earlobe and from behind the ear towards the scalp. After your plastic surgeon performed the lifting operations oriented to the muscular and connective tissues under the skin, takes off the excess fat, by stretching the skin, removes the excesses flowing over the incision lines. Marks will be hidden within the natural facial lines.
After removing the skin excesses, incisions are closed with fine and elegant sutures. There is no need to shorten or shave the hair in course of the surgery. The intervention is completed between 3 and 5 hours in normal conditions. In the conclusion of surgery, a light pressure dressing and bandage are applied.
MACS Lift Facelift Surgery
This technique is applied in patients with less skin sagging, more soft tissue sagging. In this surgery, the surgical incision starts from the front of ear, continues in line with the scalp. It does not enter behind the ear and in the hair. In the surgery, after the skin separates from the underlying tissues, special sutures are used in order to bring the fat bags to the previous anatomic places. By this means, the fat pads become picked up and hanged. The excess skin is removed and the operation is finished.
Midface Lift Surgery
This technique is applied in young patients whose skin sagging is minimal. The surgery is performed through a small incision within the scalp. Sometimes additional incisions can also be necessary inside the mouth. As soft tissues can be hanged with sutures in the operation, it can also be performed through special hanger devices being absorbed in time named as Endotine that is started to be used with the developing technology in recent years.
After Facelift Surgery
A slight pain may occur after facelift surgery, but not inflicting the patient pain is important in terms of both bleeding control and the patient comfort. I’m applying long acting local anesthesia in the surgical area. Thus, the patients don’t feel pain in the first day. Then, pains responding to the painkillers can be controlled.
In the facial area, neck even in eyelids swelling, and sometimes bruises may occur. In order to minimize this, a pressure dressing and face and neck corset are applied. By this means both bleeding is prevented and swelling is reduced. After staying with dressing for 1-2 days, the dressing is removed; face mask or corset is continued to be worn until finishing 1 week.
The drains placed after surgeries are removed within 24 hours, sutures will heal spontaneously in 7 days. There is no need to remove the sutures.
Even if the early period of healing is completed within 7 days, the person can return his/her work and social life in 10 days at the earliest. The scars formed due to the facelift surgery extend from the front towards behind of the ear; these scars will start to fade away and become unclear in time. The incision lines hidden in the natural facial folds and lines can be closed by makeup even in the early period. Feeling of tightness, numbness and tingle felt in the face, neck immediately after the surgery will go away on their own in weeks. Also feeling of hardness created by the surgery will get better within 3 months.
Facelift Surgery Prices
Facelift surgery prices change according to the type of the facelift to be performed (classical, mid etc.), if an intervention will be made in the neck area, if it will be combined with additional surgeries like eyelid, fat injection. The facelift prices are not fixed and vary from patient to patient. To get information about facelift prices, you should come to get examined.