Laser Cellulite Treatment Regional Slimming With Laser
Laser Cellulite Treatment Regional Slimming

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SmoothShapes XV
Cellulite Treatment And Regional Slimming Tightening Is Possible Now With Laser
With development of the technological devices in our day, cellulite that is the women’s nightmare now became a treatable problem. SmoothShapes XV, which is different from the all other known methods in struggle with cellulite, has proven that it is a treatment which has permanence and can really treat the cellulite among the all existing treatment methods, as result of the studies conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology.
The SmoothShapes XV device is a type of treatment that achieved to get FDA approval in cellulite treatment in USA. Cellulite treatment and regional slimming tightening with laser is a completely non-invasive in other words non-surgical application.
One of the most important features of this laser is that after the treatment is completed, effect and improvement on the cellulite continue for about 3-6 months. The laser and technology used in the laser cellulite treatment and regional slimming are different from all other methods. The technology called photomology provides permanent results in cellulite treatment.
What Is Cellulite, And How Does It Occur?
Cellulite is the situation occurred especially in women, thin and fat people, and causing orange peel appearance. Cellulite; as a result of disruption of the coagulation among fat cells, hardness occurs in the cells, and fibrotic bands, shrinkages occur between the skin and adipose tissue. And this creates a cellulite appearance.
Cellulite is usually derived from the subcutaneous superficial layer. This layer of fat is the layer that has the least change in weight loss and sports. For this reason, diet and sports are not effective in removing cellulite on their own.
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Laser Cellulite Treatment Effect Mechanism
Laser cellulite treatment is composed of 4 main application and types.
This treatment is provided by diode laser (915 nm), infrared light (650 nm), vacuum effect and mechanical massage. Firstly, deformed, grown, swollen, enlarged by volume gain fat cells are made more permeable by the infrared light energy. The excess fat in the fat cells that become permeable is made liquid by being melted with diode laser, and thus it is provided the adipose tissues to turn into the healthy form.
The fat cells that are made softer and more moving after the application are transferred to the lymph path by the vacuum of device and mechanical massage; and by this means they are removed from the body and delipidation is provided. Thus, in the laser cellulite treatment application area (legs, buttock, abdomen, waist); body circulation is increased, collagen and elastic fiber production accelerate and the fat cells are turned into structures they should be, and the cellulite appearance on the skin surface heals by reducing the shrinkages between the skin and adipose tissue.
After the SmoothShapes applications, with increase of collagen and elastic fiber production, they work not only for the fats, also upper and lower structures of the skin gain a more beautiful, elegant and tightened appearance. SmoothShapes XV is a body remodeling and regional slimming system. You not only get rid of your cellulites by laser, at the same time, you can also regionally slim as result of tightening and correction of your skin.
How Is The Regional Slimming And Cellulite Treatment With Laser Performed?
This application is performed differently the other lasers like hair removal. There is a vacuum apparatus tool on the device. Thus, the device pulls the tissue into its own, and transmits laser and infrared beam to the depths of tissue from here. In other saying, this laser is not a laser performed by holding from above, it is a laser that is applied by pulling the tissue inside. In this application, the purpose of vacuum is only for transmitting the laser energy.
Vacuum is performed extremely softly and slightly so as not to bother the skin. The laser given in the course of the application melts the fats and smooths the skin. Because the application is performed in the lymphatic flow direction, at the same time a lymphatic drainage also occurs.
How Many Sessions Is The Laser Regional Slimming And Cellulite Treatment Performed?
The laser cellulite treatment is performed 8 sessions in total as 2 sessions in a week. The session time changes according to the areas to be performed and their sizes.
It is necessary to spare more time for a fat patient with large surface area than for a thin patient. In cases like instantaneous holiday programs and pre-wedding, more frequent sessions can be applied. Like 3-4 sessions in a week, even every other day, and so on.
In what areas ıs the laser regional slimming cellulite treatment applied?
The laser regional slimming cellulite treatment SmoothShapes application is applied in the abdominal region, buttock, hip, and upper legs.
Does The Laser Cellulite And Regional Slimming Treatment Have Anything With The Skin Color And Tanning?
No, the laser wavelength frequencies in this application are only specific to the fat cell. It can be used in dark skin, light skin during summer.
What Should Be Considered Before And After The Treatment?
Before the cellulite treatment application, any perfume, lotion, various creams or aouto tanning (self-tanning) should not be applied on the skin surface. Cellulite treatment application is performed on clean, dry and healthy bare skin. In the application day and during the treatment in average 8 glasses of water should be drunk per day.
Does The Treatment Have Side Effects?
There is not a known serious side effect of complication of the SmoothShapes application. Slight redness, temperature rise and and tingle feeling that may occur in the skin during and immediately after the application show that blood stream increased in that region and the subcutaneous tissues were stimulated. These formed minimal effects will disappear immediately after the treatment. The treatment is comfortable, relaxing and pleased. It gives the impression that it is massaging.
To Whom Is Not The Laser Cellulite Treatment Regional Slimming Applied?
It is not applied to the pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, those with liver and kidney failure, cancer patients, epilepsy patients, and those with any skin disease.
According To What Are The Cellulite Treatment Prices Determined?
The SmoothShapes laser cellulite treatment prices changes according to the area of application to be performed (upper leg, buttock, abdomen etc.), whether the application will be performed in only one or more than one area, being or non-being an additional application along, and the session number of treatment. For the cellulite treatment prices, you can call our clinic, come to get examined. Also, for the prices of thermi tight permanent cellulite treatment, you should contact us.