Laser Liposuction Laser Lipolysis
Get Rid Of Your Fats With Laser Liposuction

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Laser liposuction, differently from the classical liposuction, is a liposuction method that firstly melts the fats, and then provides tightening in the skin. It is a liposuction technique used in correction of especially the localized fat excesses that are not corrected with diet and sports. Because it is performed with 1 mm fiber cannulas that are thinner in comparison with the classical liposuction, any scar is left.
Also, the laser slimlipo application also has the feature of skin collecting except the fat melting; thus even in cases of being loose of the skin, it provides a certain recovery in the skin.
In our day, the last generation liposuction devices developed for the laser-supported liposuction procedure have been very successful. Laser lipolysis or laser liposuction devices are classified according to their wave lengths. There are slimlipo laser lipolysis devices using 924 nm and 975 nm wave length, and smartlipo laser devices using 1064 nm and 1320 nm wave length.
Slim lipo has also a feature of lifting the skin at the same time. By laser liposuction, it is provided the membrane of fat cells to be demolished, and liquefying and draining of the adipocytes inside without ever bleeding. Moreover, because it affects only the fat cells, it does not damage the other tissues, vein and nerves. The fat can be removed as completely liquefied.
Also, there is no need to remove the fats in areas like face and neck after demolishing with laser; they can be destroyed by themselves with the help of lymphatics, and the healing is provided without skin sagging and contour disorders.
What Is Laser Lipolysis? What Its Difference From Laser Liposuction?
Application is performed in the laser lipolysisas the same in the laser liposuction; however the fats are not aspired, in other words removed. It is aimed to be taken away by the body in time. And that requires a certain time. It may be preferred in the places with very little fat excess like the jowl, and cheek. It can also be performed in other areas of the body, but my personal opinion is always taking the fat away from the environment by aspiring it. By this means, it is been gotten a shorter and clearer result.
How Anesthesia Is Laser Liposuction Performed By?
Very small areas are performed with local anesthesia, and the larger areas are with local anesthesia and with the support of sedation anesthesia. Consequently, the patient can go and return his/her normal life immediately after the application.
What Are Seen After Laser Liposuction?
The pain is scarcely ever or minimal after operation in general. The minimal pains are at the levels of that they may be relieved by painkillers. Bruise occurs scarcely ever. Swelling may be after laser liposuction surgery; this swelling disappears by itself within 15-20 days. The shape of body shows itself after 1 month, gets better in 3rd month, taking its final state lasts for 6 months. Corset use for about 20 days after operation is sufficient.
In which areas can laser liposuction be applied?
Laser liposuction can be applied in all regions with fat in the body. Belly, waist, back, hip, legs, knee circumference, neck, lower leg, ankles, and arms are the places the application is performed in. It can be applied together with abdominoplasty, brachioplasty and thighplasty.