Hymenoplasty Hymen Repair
Feel At Ease With Permanent Double-Layer Flap Method By Laser

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Virginal membrane, or in medical latin name the hymen is a formation requiring to be protected and planned to be ruptured only in marriages either in our country or in the repressive societies. For this reason, the women whose hymen is ruptured before marriage either by intercourse or other reasons get this situation into a weighty matter and make application for hymen reconstruction, hymen repair.
The hymen stays as connected to the internal part of labia minora right 1-2 cm behind of the entrance in the vagina. Although nevertheless it has many different types, there is an opening in the central part of hymen. Vaginal secretions and menstruation bleedings come from here.
We Know And Care For Your Situation
Since we know the importance of hymen repair surgery for you, we give great importance to you and this operation. We also know that this surgery is a difficult decision made by you, and we want you to know that the patient confidentiality is very important for us, too.
As the hymen can be ruptured by a normal sexual intercourse, friction, with a foreign body, masturbation, by a trauma on the area of genital region or with medical examination; sometimes it can slightly be injured, and ruptured partially. Under normal conditions it is waited to occur a certain amount of bleeding in the course of the hymen rupture, but in some types of hymen in spite of the sexual intercourse bleeding may not occur every time, and this situation may cause either personal problems or familial and marriage problems.
Why Does Not Bleeding Occur In Spite Of Hymen Rupture Sometimes?
Some types of hymen (hymen imperforatus) are elastic, and may not be ruptured in the intercourse and may not create bleeding. This type of hymen is only ruptured in delivery. Another reason of non-being bleeding is rupture of the hymen from a veinless part, or occurring too little bleeding but mixing with vaginal secretions and non-being discriminated in the course of the intercourse.
What Are The Types Of Hymen?
The hymen can be different from each other depending on their anatomy and sometimes structurally; in fact, this situation results from the hymen diversity. There are different types of hymen. Hymen annulare shaped like circle, hymen semilunare shaped like lunar, hymen labiale shaped like lip, hymen septate that is with two openings, hymen cribriformis with multiple openings, and hymen imperforatus that is without opening are some of the types of hymen.
What Is The Purpose Of Hymen Repair?
The main purpose of hymen repair is providing the bleeding to occur in the first sexual intercourse. The surgery performed does not make the hymen as the same as before, already the purpose of flap method is forming a texture to provide bleeding in that area. Also through hymenoplasty, the patients re-gain their own self-confidence, and enter into a psychological relief. There is also such a side of the permanent hymen repair.
What conditions does repairing hymen depend on?
Any condition is not required in the hymen repair with permanent double layer flap. Especially, if who performs this surgery is an aesthetic plastic surgeon, repair can be performed many times even in the same patient. Having intercourse many years ago, intercourse time number, previous curettage and abortions don’t affect the permanent hymen repair performed by plastic surgeon. Even in women who gave birth, hymen reconstruction is possible by the flap method.
In temporary hymen reconstruction or repair; what is performed is a repair, a corrective procedure. So, in order to repair the hymen, old hymen residues are required. The length of the sexual life, number of sexual intercourse, and being much of the elapsed time after the first intercourse may have effect on the temporary method of hymen repair.
There are two types of hymenoplasty in other words hymen reconstruction surgeries. These are temporary and permanent hymenoplasty surgeries.
Temporary Hymen Repair Surgery
In temporary surgeries, the hymen residues are brought close together and sutured by setting them free from their present locations. This method should be performed 3-7 days before the marriage, because its temporal time protects itself. There is not bleeding guarantee of this method. Even if the sutures melt, they may not completely melt in this process. If the patients don’t have enough time, temporary suturing is suggested. Even in this situation, I operate not only the hymen residues; also I bring an additional texture to the backside. By this means, it becomes safer.
Hymen Repair By Permanent Flap Method
The main and permanent hymen reconstruction is the permanent hymen repair made with the flap taken from the interior surface of vagina. In this method, a totally new texture is lifted inside the vagina, and this texture is placed in the vaginal opening. Only a small part of this texture is left open. Thus, bleeding, menstrual bleeding, and vaginal secretions may come out from here. The permanent flap texture is stitched not with one or two suture, with the sutures from end to end. Thus, a situation such as stitches opening is not had. Being performed of this surgery by aesthetic plastic surgeon is more appropriate. Because lifting the texture called flap requires only a plastic surgical knowledge and experience. Size, width of the flap to be prepared, and the determination of location it will be taken from are highly important.
Permanent Hymen Repair By Double Layer Flap Method
“I perform permanent hymen repair for my patients with double layer flap method by laser.” In this technique, by lifting 2 flaps it is provided one to close to the exterior surface, and the other to the interior surface. Thus the flap tissue does not be contracted, change place, and shrink based on healing. It provides protection from both inside and outside. The 2nd flap acts as a kind of insurance.
Hymen Repair By Laser Double Layer Flap Method With Vaginal Tightening
By this method, your hymen is repaired not for a certain time; it is so as to be for a lifetime by two different permanent tissues. In the double layer flap method that I apply, there will be also a tightening in vagina; nobody will understand you had a sexual intercourse before.
You Will Not Need Vaginal Tightening Surgery In Addition
Because a tightening will be in the vagina in the double layer flap method I apply, you will not need for vaginal tightening surgery in addition. Nobody will understand you had an intercourse before.
Permanent Hymen Repair By Laser
Progress of technology in our day has provided opportunity of the laser technologies also to be used frequently. In the hymen repair operation by laser, the laser cuts tissues instead of surgically, thus as well as less bleeding will be, the healing process also becomes faster. The result of hymen repair by laser is not different from the result of classical hymen repair; only the patient’s comfort and healing process accelerate.
What Anesthesia Is Hymen Repair Performed With?
The hymen repair is performed with sedation and local anesthesia. During the operation, nothing is felt, pain is not felt, and at the end it can be gone by foot. Any scar is not left after surgery, and there is no need to remove suture. Then, you can return your daily life. In the hymen repair made by this method, the rate of bleeding in intercourse is quite high.
Your Comfort In Surgery Is Very Important
Either psychological or positional hesitation about lying on the surgery seat comes into question in the patients who will undergo this surgery. For this reason, we perform the surgeries by slightly anesthetizing with the sedation anesthesia. Thus, you neither feel the pain of surgery, nor know what happened. We make this situation, which may create trouble for you, a quite comfortable surgery.
Time Of Hymen Repair Surgery With Double Layer Flap
The hymen repair surgery performed with the double layer flap method lasts for about 30-40 minutes. It is almost impossible the surgeries lasting shorter than this as 10-15 minutes to be with double layer flap method, even with a single flap. These kinds of situations are the surgeries generally performed by suturing the hymen residues. Because, in the double layer permanent flap method, the places tissues taken from are also repaired, so the surgery time is 30-40 minutes in average.
What Happens After Hymen Repair Surgery?
You return your normal life immediately after the hymen repair. A dull pain may occur especially while sitting for 1-2 days after hymenoplasty surgery. It is a pain that relieves with painkillers. It is normal to be leakage for 15-20 days averagely. This is a bleeding leakage of which amount gradually decreases, and color changes increasingly from red to pink and then to yellow.
Menstruating, having intermediary bleeding after hymen repair do not damage the surgery performed, don’t worry.
You should stay away from sport activities for 1 month after surgery, but you can continue your normal life.
When Should I Have Permanent Flap Method Performed?
You can have the permanent repair performed whenever you want until a month before the marriage. (For example you can have it even 3-4 years before.) There is no need to wait date of marriage for that. It can be performed whenever requested.
When Should Temporary Hymen Repair – Reconstruction (Hymenoplasty) Be Performed?
Temporary repair can be performed 3-7 days before the marriage. There is no time for the permanent repair.
Why Should A Plastic Surgeon Perform The Hymen Repair?
If the hymen will be repaired by permanent and flap method, it should definitely be performed by an aesthetic plastic surgeon. Because we plastic surgeons use the tissue we called flap not only in the hymen repair, also in cases of wound, tissue loss, accident and open wound in any area of the body to repair the opening here.
In other words, the biggest weapon of a plastic surgeon is the flap tissue. The place this tissue will be lifted from, relation between its length and width, and blood build up are highly important. Consequently, who is the most competent on this information is the plastic surgeon.
If the hymen repair will be performed with temporary method, both plastic surgeons and gynecologists can do this.
Frequently Encountered Questions About Hymen Repair
How Many Types Hymen Repair Are There?
There are two different ways of reconstruction, repair depending upon the type of hymen and shape of rupture. The most exact one is the vaginal flap method. This is also the most reliable method, it is permanent.
Does A Repaired Hymen Bleed Absolutely?
There is no guarantee of any surgery; but great success is achieved in the permanent repair, especially in the double layer hymen repair. Because in this operation, there are 2 flap tissues both inside and outside and this provides bleeding in the intercourse. It is the most reliable method known.
Is Being Repaired Of A Reconstructed Hymen Understood By Others?
Only a specialist can understand the repair was performed, others cannot. If you get examined before having intercourse it may be understood you had the hymen surgery, but after the intercourse nobody can understand you had the hymen reconstruction surgery.
Is There Need For Suture Removal In The Hymen Repair?
Because absorbable sutures are used in the surgery, there is no need to remove suture. They heal in 7 days in average.
Does Hymen Reconstruction Depend On Number, Time Of Intercourse, And Curettage?
No, it does not; the hymen can be repaired even in the women who gave birth. Of course, permanent flap method can be performed. Because, this surgery is independent from the hymen residues and the time passed after the intercourse. Here a totally new texture is created.
Can The Hymen Be Repaired Again?
By way of permanent repair yes, it can be repaired even several times, the hymen can be created again. This situation is also valid for the hymen repair.
Is Laser Used In Hymen Repair?
The main function of the laser is for burning and cutting in surgeries. Its place in this application is the cutting procedure. Because the tissues cut by laser will create less bleeding, the application is more comfortable.
What Should Be Paid Attention After Hymen Reconstruction?
It does not require something special; you should comply with your doctor’s advices in the first couple of days, and you can relievedly take shower a few days later.
I Will Have Hymen Reconstruction; Do Others Learn, Does The Information Remain Confidential?
All information about hymen reconstruction remains confidential within the framework of the doctor-patient relation; if you don’t tell the others, nobody will know you had this surgery.
What Are The Prices Of Hymen Repair?
The prices of hymen repair vary according to the type of surgery, type of anesthesia given, and the surgeon. Hymen repair price can be renewed every year, so you should learn the current period hymen repair price of 2025. For the hymen repair price, cost; you can call or fill out the form on the side.