Brow Lift Surgery
A Dynamic Appearance With Brow Lift
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Brows are the structures giving meaning to the face with the eyes. The brows may sag more downward than straight state that is their normal position, with gravity, aging, gaining-losing weight, or with genetic characteristics, with relaxation, loosening occurred in tissues.
As a result of sagging of brows downward, tired, exhausted, and sad or other undesirable expressions may show up on the face. Except these situations, sagging in brows may also be seen depending on some diseases. Among these, facial palsy, tumors, previous surgeries can be counted. In some advanced cases, sagging may occur in the brows in degrees of preventing the patient’s sight.
Brow lift surgeries can be applied together with the upper , facelift, midface lift or forehead lift surgery, with aesthetic eyelid surgery blepharoplasty (removal of eye bags), or on their own. In cases that sagging or lowness in brows is in question; the forehead lift surgery is a more suitable choice.
When any total sagging in the brows is not in question, only lifting of the outer edges is desired, there is no need for the forehead lift operation. The sole brow lift intervention can be performed under general anesthesia or sedation anesthesia.
Click Here For Ulthera Non-Surgical Brow Lift
Brow Lift Surgery Technique
Brow lift surgery is performed as by entering inside of the a few centimeters of incision made between the hairs, after deregulation of the tissues hanging the tissues under the brows upwards. Again by using different materials, hanging surgery can also be performed in the brows. After the brow lift surgery, pain does not occur in degrees of giving a hard time; the person can immediately return his/her daily life. There may be swelling in forehead and eyelid, eye contour area for about 4-5 days following the surgery.
Because the brow lift surgery is performed by entering inside of the scalp, the traces stay hidden when looking from outside and do not seem. Sometimes if upper eyelid surgery is also performed, brow lift may be possible also from inside of this incision. In this case, there is no need to make incision in the scalp. Your doctor will decide if you need brow lift surgery, or not. Especially in men in over the middle age, sagging in the eyelid may be accepted as being derived from the brow.
Brow Lift Surgery Prices
Brow lift surgery prices change according to the surgical technique to be chosen and performed. For this you should get examined.
What Are The Non-Surgical Brow Lift Methods
The best non-surgical brow lift method is the application which is performed by Ulthera and protects itself for about 2 years. Brow lift can be performed with botox for a 6 month-period. Also, fillers to be applied under the brow can provide a non-surgical lift in the brow. I don’t suggest only the hanging methods performed with the barbed threads.