Soprano Ice Laser Hair Removal
Painless Quick Hair Removal With Soprano Ice Laser

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As is known, in the laser hair removal Alexandrite, diode, nd yag lasers are used. 810 nm of wavelength which is among these wavelengths belongs to the diode laser. The Soprano laser system that had been produced by Alma laser before has made difference among the laser hair removal applications as ironing laser. And now, Soprano Ice in other words the ice laser that is the upper technology of this becomes a system creating difference in the hair removal.
The ice laser hair removal is a completely painless, acheless, and quite quick hair removal system due to the special contact cooling technology and big spots on its head.
Properties Of Soprano Ice Laser Hair Removal
Unlike all of the other laser hair removal devices, hair removal by ice laser is really completely painless. The painless hair removal can be performed by the ice laser anymore in the painful areas such as legs, underarm, bikini line, man breast and back. Pain, ache were formed more in especially thick, hard and dense hair. For this reason, the men had more difficulty in the laser hair removal. Hair removal for men became much easier with Soprano ice laser.
Because a larger spot size than of the ironing laser head before is produced, the fastest hair removal of the world can be performed by Soprano Ice. Time, duration is the conception that all people want to have. And the laser hair removal is a time-consuming application. Here, the all body hair removal is completed in a shorter time as between 30-40 minutes by the ice laser.
The ice laser hair removal is an ironing hair removal device at the same time. Any point is not missed out in the course of application, so there is no need for the control session as in the alexandrite laser. The numbers of session are reduced to minimum with the ice laser technology and the wavelength of diode laser. And this means both your hair removal finishes in a short time, and you get rid of the time and session number.
Laser hair removal can be performed in all skin colors and hair types by the ice laser hair removal. Dark, brunette skins types are the skin types having danger of burning, and hard to get results in. By the ice laser, hair removal can be performed on all skin types including on blacks.
If your skin got sunlight, and you tanned; it would be necessary to postpone the laser hair removal session. Here, there is no need anymore to postpone with Soprano ine laser ironing hair removal. Your laser hair removal can be performed confidingly. For this reason, it will not be had a break in summer; consequently, the total process will also shorten.
Fine hair is a quite tough hair type. It is not possible to destroy by other lasers. However, diode laser is effective on the fine hair. It is easily applied by the ice laser on the areas such as face, chin, mustache area, and the upper arm in women.
The ice laser hair removal does not make triggering of new hair. It can be used in all points of the body that can be performed hair removal in confidingly.
What Does Ironing Laser Hair Removal Mean?
Ice laser hair removal is a kind of ironing laser hair removal. The ironing laser hair removal is a patented term belonging to the Soprano devices. The application is really as if it does ironing. By this means very often pulses are made, any area is not missed out, and while the hair follicles gradually absorb the heat, the skin is cooled quite effectively.
How Many Sessions Is Ice Laser Hair Removal Applied?
Laser hair removal is a treatment taking 5-8 sessions in average. This varies from person to person, from hair to hair, according to the thickness of hair, the color of skin, and from region to region to be applied. For example, the underarm and genital laser hair removals respond more quickly compared to the facial area.
What Are The Side Effects Of Ice Laser Hair Removal?
What Are The Prices Of Ice Laser Hair Removal?
The prices of ice laser hair removal vary as session or package. Moreover, there are also different combined prices in our clinic. For the prices of ice laser hair removal, you can call 212 2967442, or send e-mail by filling out the form on the side.