Fibrocell Stem Cell Treatment
Refresh Yourself With Stem Cell Transplant

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Fibrocell stem cell treatment is a refreshing treatment performed by the stem cells called fibroblast making collagen synthesis and obtained from the patient’s own tissue and cells to be re-injected to the person at the end of obtained and increased.
With development of the medicine and technology, it is aimed the stem cells to be renewed by being separated with tissue engineering techniques. Stem cell is the cells that have characteristics of pioneering all other cells and both having the ability to refresh itself and also turning into other cells.
The building block that makes our body young and beautiful is collagen. The more there is collagen, the more the skin will be tight, young and beautiful. Here what produces generates this collagen is a pioneering cell (stem cell) called fibroblast. By fibrocell application, fibroblast injection is performed to the autogeneous culture. Autologous or autogeneous mean that it has been obtained from the person’s own tissues. Consequently, it does not create foreign body reaction or allergy.
How Is Fibrocell Applied?
First of all, it is necessary to get a piece of tissue from the patient. Along with that this piece is usually behind the ear, sunless areas like forearm, inguinal region skin can also be used. The taken tissue sample is about 2-3 mm. In the taking stage it is anesthetized with local anesthetic, and after taken the small piece is placed into the specially brought materials and it is given to the producing company. In this course, blood is also taken from the patient.
Between about 4-6 weeks, the fibroblasts that are the stem cell which will synthesize the collagen are produced and increased within the laboratory environment.
Moment Of The Fibrocell Application
When the fibroblasts that were cultured and increased get ready, they are applied into the patient. At the stage of application, a 5 cc stem cell group is prepared. This volume has averagely 10 million of stem cells or in other saying fibroblasts in its each 1 ml. These cells are given to the area to be applied by the help of a small injector. The application is as if the filler injection is performed, it does not create pain.
How Many Sessions Are Fibrocell Applied?
The application is repeated 3 times with 2-3 week intervals.
When Is The Effect Of Stem Cell Injection Seen?
Although being seen of the effect changes depending on with what purpose it is performed, it shows up after the 2nd application and increasingly continues till 1 year.
Is Fibrocell A Permanent Application?
None of the treatments against aging can be permanent for a lifetime. However, the cultured fibroblast transfer is permanent for about 3-5 years, and collagen production continues.
In Which Fields Is The Stem Cell Treatment Used?
In aesthetic-purpose facial rejuvenation
In reducing the wrinkles on the face
In the treatment of deep lines on the face such as nasolabial lines, between brow lines, and crow’s feet
To bring volume in the face
For lip augmentation
When desired to create liveliness and brightness on the face
In loss of tissues, closing of the chronic non-closing wounds (diabetic foot, venous ulcers)
In treatment of chicken pox (varicella), acne scars
For What Purpose The Fibrocell Stem Cell Treatment Is Not Used?
A sagging face, neck cannot be tightened with fibrocell autologous fibroblast injection. For that, as well as surgical treatments like facelift can be performed, non-surgical alternatives like Ulthera should be used. Also, the sagging in the eyelids can be corrected only by the eyelid surgery.
What are the advantages of stem cell treatment?
Because it is obtained from the patient’s own tissues, it does not cause side effects such as allergic reaction, histo-incompatibility, immunologic reaction, and infection.
It does not contain animal materials.
It is more permanent and longer acting compared to the other methods.
There is not side effect such as moving of the injected cells to the other places, cyst, agglomeration formation, it produces cells completely belong to you.
According To What Do The Prices Of Fibrocell Stem Cell Treatment Vary?
First of all, it is required to determine how a treatment will be suitable to you. The Fibrocellstem cell prices are higher compared to the applications like filling, mesotherapy. To get information about the Fibrocell prices, you can call the number of 212 2967442, and contact us.