How Is The Thread Facelift Performed?
How Is The Thread Facelift Performed?

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In recent years, non-surgical facelift has progressed in differect ways; one of them is the thread facelift method. This method is also named as PDO facelift, Ultra V lift, gold thread lift, spined thread lift; contour thread lift, and silhouette lift. The first outcome of the method is the Aptos threads applied many years ago.
Thread facelift is created by changing form and structure of the special surgical threads made of PDO. These threads are very thin, their helixes and structures are different, melt under the skin in time, but do not give harm to the texture and show reaction. Threads are not felt under the skin due to their thinness.
The non-surgical facelift performed by makin thread facelift will make you look better for about 2 years.
To Whom Is The Thread Facelift Performed?
The non-surgical facelift is a method applied to the patients who do not want to have facelift surgery, have anesthesia, are refrained from the side effects of surgery, and do not want to live healing period. Especially it is performed in patients between 30-65 ages who don’t have excessive sagging, and who want to their skin to be more tightened. The primary purpose is facelift, neck lift and sagging correction. At the same time, it is also used in younger patients to lift the brows; and also to create filling-like effect in the nasolabial region and wrinkles by using some threads. It is a quite good method in wrinkle correction.
In What Areas Is Thread Facelift Used?
It can be used in cases such as;
In correction of sagging face, cheeks
In removal of the neck sagging
Around chin
In around mouth lines and wrinkles
In brow lift
In removal of the forehead, between brows, around eyes wrinkles
In lightening of the lines between nose, cheek and lip
In correction of under eye trough
In abdominal, arm sagging and some other cases in the body.
What Is The Effect Mechanism Of The Thread Facelift?
The threads placed under the skin are absorbed in time, and this triggers wound healing property of the texture, and the result is seen due to stimulation threads made in texture, the texture support created by the threads, and hanging. By this means, both the skin structure gets better and also an elevation is performed in the textures.
How Is Thread Facelift Face Rejuvenation Performed?
The application is performed by anesthetizing with cream or under local anesthesia. Threads are chosen in accordance with type of sagging and application to be performed, and placed under the skin. The application is quite easy, and the patient can return to her normal life at once. Thread lift procedure lasts for about 30 minutes in average, depending on the type of procedure to be performed.
Different threads are used in different indications. While the threads called mono are used for skin resurfacing, and providing its freshness; in correction of a sagging texture, the threads called cog that contain more spines are used. Also in lifting and wrinkle correcting, the threads called screw are used. In creation filling effect, the threads called spring are used. In facelift, similar to these threads, there are the threads named as silhouette soft.
The thread facelift can be performed in combination with the facial cheek augmentation applications, botulinum toxin, and ulthera
Healing Process In Thread Facelift
The patients continue their normal lives immediately after the thread facelift. Slight swelling, sometimes small bruises may occur in the injection places. The patients can apply ice on the facial region.
It is prohibited to the patients to move their faces excessively and massage by pressing afterwards. Antibiotic treatment is suggested to the patients during 5 days.
When Are The Results Seen In The Thread Facelift?
In the face rejuvenating application performed by threads, if the lifting is performed by cog threads the result becomes clear just at the moment. In lifting performed by either other or threads or cog threads, the result beging to be gotten in 1 month, the effect is completely seen in 3 months.
What Are The Side Effects Of The Non-Surgical Thread Facelift Method?
After the thread facelift application, very slight swelling, sometimes bruising in injection places may occur. When it is performed by a good technique, there is not any clear side effect.
What Are The Prices Of Thread Facelift?
The thread facelift prices vary completely depending on the procedure to be performed. There is not a fixed price. It changes according to the type of application, number of thread, and type of thread to be used, preferred in accordance with the patient’s state. For example, the thread lift method applied in a sagging face and the rejuvenation treatment by thread applied for wrinkle or bringing volume are different. Sometimes, all of these are applied in the same patient. Consequently, the thread lift prices change. For the prices of thread facelift, you should get examined by your doctor.